Praise God for Ministers!!! : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Have you ever thought about how life would be without theology and ministers to teach us the word of God? I was reflecting about my childhood minister early this morning about 3:00 am while I was experiencing insomnia. He taught me about salvation through his preaching. He also taught me about faith during his 40 year ministry at our church by his example of living.

I also recall that he would always say that "He doesn't know what tomorrow holds but he knows who holds tomorrow" and he would often say that" The man who knows enough is dead". Quite frankly as a child, I often felt uneasy about his visits to our home because he always had a profound question for me. For example, on one occasion, while I was enjoying my ice cream, he asked me "Do you eat to live or do you live to eat?" I pondered the question at age 11 for about a microsecond and reasoned in favor of the latter portion of his query. On another occasion, he asked us teenagers in Sunday school to explain the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning. I didn't appreciate these questions at the time but I realized several years later that he was asking these questions to make us think.

Can you recall any special lesson that your pastors taught you during their ministry?


-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001



Thanks for the topic opener!

Asa a youth the late Rev., Dr., Andrew White, asked a group of youth can you recrucify Jesus Christ? On another occasion White asked, "What does it mean to cast pearls before swine?

Be Blessed! WHS

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Bishop R.H. Hildebrand taught me that preachers were human being capable of making mistakes. As a young girl attending state meetings at Morris Brown College, I remembered how he protected the youth from predators. I appreciated his strength, faith and committment to G-d.


-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

Hello Bro. Smith,

It is good to hear from you again. I have also heard that statement that one can re-crucify Jesus. I would love to hear your thoughts or anyone else's thoughts on what " it means to re-crucify Jesus.


-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

What a great question Jazzman! October is Pastor Appreciation Month so what a great way to end the month. I have been blessed with pastors who have had a lasting effect on my life. Rev. Bruce Southworth a wonderful United Methodist minister taught me about the love of Jesus Christ for all people. He was the one who encouraged me to go back to high school when I dropped out at 16. I became a Christian because of him. The President of my seminary is my pastor, he is the one I call when I am feeling discouraged. And now that I am A.M.E I have such powerful clergywomen who are great pastors to look to as role models!! Presiding Elder Carolyn Guidry and Rev. Dr. Cecilia Bryant.

-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001

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