I want that my CD-R plays automatically...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I want that when I put a CD-R in my PC, that it play automatically a movie with the extension AVI or MPG in full-screen with the program WindowsMediaplayer.

I burn my CD-R with WinOnCD.



-- David Nyh (David_nyh@hotmail.com), October 28, 2001


Auto play on CDs is attained by placing an autoplay file in the root directory of your CD. The file name is AUTORUN.INF and it is a standard ASCII (plain text file)

Use notepad or other plain text editor and create a file with the following content:


Where MYMOVIE.AVI is the movie you want to auto play. If you have an icon that you would like displayed to replace the standard CD icon (when you are in MyComputer) then you can add


under the "OPEN" line.

Save the file as "AUTORUN.INF" and place it on your CD root directory when you burn it.

NOT SO SIMPLE: The above scheme will work if your file extensions (*.AVI, *.MPG) are associated with the player (Media Player, for example). This should work in most typical windows installations. An alternate way would be to specify the application on the "OPEN" line:


In this example, the movie file is in a subdirectory (folder) on your CD called DATA.

Take a look at the autorun.inf files on some of your auto-paly CDs for more examples.

Good Luck.

-- William Ramos (wramos@oaktree.net), October 31, 2001.

For some reason the formatting on my previous message got messed up. The AUTORUN.INF file should look like:


In case it doesn't show properly (again) the above exmaple should be three lines.

-- William Ramos (wramos@oaktree.net), October 31, 2001.

Third time's the charm ...

First line starts with [AUTORUN]. Second line starts with OPEN. Third line starts with ICON.


-- William Ramos (wramos@oaktree.net), October 31, 2001.

Idiots these days....

-- (1@2.3), November 03, 2001.

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