Pentagon needs your best ideas : LUSENET : Current News - Homefront Preparations : One Thread

Well, it's finally gotten down to asking for *any* great new ideas on how to win this new war. So, send them in, if you got em. I think right now they are looking for some magic solution to finish off the enemy and win the day. Sort of like the good ideas we needed to beat Viet Nam or for the Brits to beat the IRA. Give it your best shot.

Personally, I think it's like the Hatfield and McCoy battles that went on and on and on, until finally they had enough of the killings and got together to work it all out and have some peace again. It was never a matter of better weapons or outfoxing the enemy back then. They both were good at whacking each other endlessly. Only by getting to the root of the matter and agreeing to respect each other and stop interfering with each other was a truce possible. I don't think that's what the Pentagon has in mind just yet, but maybe down the road.


-- Anonymous, October 27, 2001


That link went bad. Here is another try.


-- Anonymous, October 27, 2001

Darn, for some reason that site won't come up with my links. If you want to read the story just go to the Art Bell page below and click on the news item that is underlined for 10/26/01.


-- Anonymous, October 27, 2001

nuke em.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2001

Gorden...if you go and read the BAA from the DOD, you will find it is a solicitation. You have to be an "expert" in whatever field it is for which they are requesting proposals. Here are a few of the solicitations: Through Wall Imaging, Advance Breaching Tools, Air Sampler and Aerosol Collector, Field Confirmatory Biological Analysis, etc. They are not asking Joe SixPak how to send pork skins into cave entrances. Taz

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2001

Taz, maybe you're right, but when it hits the public news the way it did here (on the Art Bell show for instance) then it's also possible the Pentagon in putting out feelers for some better ideas than it has collected so far. One would think that anything being worked on by the high level sources you mention would remain secret. Who knows? So send in your suggestion, Barefoot, and maybe you'll suddenly get a much better job with the government than what you have right now. Course, it could also turn out to be more dangerous too. You might have to trade anthrax dangers for something worse. But you could also start using the handle of Barefax. What do ya think?

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2001

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