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greenspun.com : LUSENET : ACountryPlace : One Thread

Well I really missed the forum during our unplanned sabbatical. There were a whole bunch of posts that got thrown into the archives before we could even answer them as a result. Hope you all are doing well.

Little bit Farm

-- Little bit Farm (littlebit@farm.com), October 26, 2001


Better question How are you doing?????


-- sally stanton (mallardhen67@hotmail.com), November 02, 2001.

Well I am doing fine for a woman on an incredible roller coaster of property finding joys and sorrows. I really just want to get this all over with and move out of town. Everytime it seems that I have found just the place it gets dropped for one reason or another. Twice we have wanted to make an offer and found out that the Real Estate agent had shown us a property that already had a contract on it. Geez!

little Bit Farm

-- Little bit farm (littleBit@compworldnet.com), November 02, 2001.

I am so sorry that happened to you. These real estate people just do not understand women's emotional attachement to land and houses. We had that happen to us with the first dream farm we looked at, then the second one fell apart the day of the supposed closing. It was on that day that our current place went on the market way below appraised value. It was the place that my hubby parked in front of and said, "This is the place I want IF it were for sale." the house is not that big, but the land and location is better than either one of the other places and much better priced.

To give you a bit of encouragement wait for the one that God has for you. What He has to give us is so much better than we can imagine!

-- Laura (LadybugWrangler@hotmail.com), November 03, 2001.

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