Anyone have an applesauce recipe for CANTELOUPES? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I'm anticipating coming into a bunch of canteloupes and would like to turn it into something similar to applesauce only with canteloupes. Does anyone have a recipe? Thanks.

-- gita (, October 26, 2001


Would not peeling, deseeding, and putting them in the blender do this?

-- mitch hearn (, October 26, 2001.

Yes but I'm looking for what spices and other ingredients work best with this fruit.

-- gita (, October 26, 2001.

Try cutting some into chunks and season it with nutmeg, cook it a little and see what it tastes like. If it's good then you can do a whole batch.

-- Stephanie Nosacek (, October 26, 2001.

I would think that ginger would taste good mixed in with the canteloupes.

-- Chery in KS (, October 26, 2001.

ginger and lime come to mind....

-- j schlicker (, October 26, 2001.

In the past I have pureed (sp?) canteloupes, frozen the puree, with no additives because they are quite sweet, then used this with milk and a bit of sugar or honey, blended into milkshakes. I've also used the puree as the liquid in lemon or orange jello or blended (sometimes with other juices) and added ginger ale or lemon/lime soda. Great in hot weather, which we do not have now. Good with our Sunday night popcorn.

-- Rosalie (, October 26, 2001.

I don't think you can make applesauce out of cantaloupe. just my opinion.

-- Just Duckie (, October 26, 2001.

Think it might be good dryed like a snack?

-- Teresa (, October 26, 2001.

Couldn't you just use a recipe for applebutter or better yet pumpkinbutter? If your canteloupes aren't ripe yet, buy a couple from a store & make an experiment. One for each recipe. This way if you like the results (but would like to try a veriation), you would have an idea of what spices (a little more, less, or different) you would want to use.


-- animalfarms (, October 30, 2001.

Hi - I would use any combination of ground ginger, cinnamon, cloves or allspice - I came up with my own pear jam recipe because I couldn't find one anywhere and seems didn't matter what I used, it sort of tasted the same with these spices but was very good - these flavors seem to go well with sweet fruits - let us know how it turns out! (I didn't get any cantaloupes this year, will have to try next year!) Helen

-- Helen, in WI (, November 01, 2001.

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