Surfboat Modification Info Wanted : LUSENET : Open-water rowing : One Thread

I'm looking for an experienced surfboat builder in Florida to shave down my Asay surfboat to reduce windage. Anyone with information about such a qualified craftsman, I'd appreciate the info. Thank

-- Cork Friedman (, October 25, 2001


Dear Cork:

At some point (I think) Bob made his boats with a little less freeboard (compared to the traditional wooden Jersey shore lifeboats). Am I right on this? I'd hate to see you chop up a proven design. The other problem is the flat bottom which is handy for launching, beaching and maneuvering, but doesn't do much for tracking. Have you considered a small centerboard? My sea bright skiff is designed for rowing and sailing so it has the centerboard, which helps in windy conditions at least in so far as tracking goes. Greetings from Asbury Park and regards.

-- Marc J. Epstein (, November 02, 2001.

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