Does anyone live in or near Glasgow MT? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread


Well,, Husaband is looking at a job in Glasgow MT. Of course I have no knowledge of the area. Would love to learn what the housing prices are? Can you Homeschool? What is the Clime like? What are the people like? I raise miniature sheep, have two Icelandic horses and two mini horses... so would need some land.

Love to hear from anyone !!

-- Bergere (, October 22, 2001


I have family about 60 miles north of Glasgow, beautiful country. Glasgow is in a river valley, Milk River, and somewhat protected from the plains' weather. Winds can be bad and it is a mite cool in the winter. Basically short grass prairie country. Here is the weather site for Glasgow:

-- Joe (, October 22, 2001.

Another site you might find helpful. It is the Helena Newspaper, which is Montana's Capital City.

-- Joe (, October 22, 2001.

I taught school south of Glasgow about 15 years ago. I can tell you that we have a very favorable homeschool law in MT. Not alot of burdensome reqirements and a good state organization with local support groups. I don't know specifically about the support group in Glasgow, but I'm sure they must have one in a town that size.

-- Kari (, October 23, 2001.

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