Condiments : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I noticed one of the writers in the latest CS takes issue with condiments as an expense. Though I am aware that we spend more money per person than what this individual indicated, even on my 'austerity plan' days we enjoyed condiments, though sparingly, which made a boring menu lively. Some of our favorite are wasabi powder/paste, dark soy sauce and regular, sesame oil, worcestershire sauce, steak sauce, variety of chili pepper sauces (foreign and domestic), balsamic vinegar and mixed pickles (Indian).

You have any favorite condiments?

-- Anne (, October 21, 2001


If I didn't have Ketchup in the house, I would be asked to leave.

-- Cheryl in KS (, October 22, 2001.

I personally consider condiments to be one of the required food groups :>)

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, October 22, 2001.

Personally I only eat the 4 basic food groups.......chocolate, pizza, fried chicken and mexican.

hehhehe have a nice day


-- gene ward (, October 22, 2001.

My DH says that food is just a vehicle for catsup. HEHEHEHE But if we didn't have my personal blend of crushed cayenne and habaneros to add to dishes food would be considered bland in our house. We like it spicy!!! Kim :-D

-- Kim in Indiana (, October 22, 2001.

I use my dried herbs in about everything. We also keep a good supply of mustard. Some catsup, but not much. Of course there are probably 20 little bottles of 'stuff' in the refrigerator door. Most we could do without. I make our own salad dressings and dips so we keep a lot of oils, (especially olive,) vinegars and herbs on hand.

-- Belle (, October 22, 2001.

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