Lining drawers : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Does anyone have any creative/different ways to line cabinet shelves and drawers?

-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (, October 21, 2001


I don't know how creative this is, but we still have wrapping paper from my 13 year old's baby shower in the dresser we used for his stuff then. I have also seen nicely printed contact paper on shelves. If the shelves are spotlessly clean and totally dry the contact sticks well for a reasonably long time. I like it better than shelf paper because it doesn't tear and can be wiped clean.

-- Cathy N. (, October 21, 2001.

When we moved into our home, there was a box in the attic containing rolls of leftover wallpaper. I called the previous owner to see if they forgot it, but they told me to use it to line the dresser drawers in the bedroom, so they match the walls. I know this might not help you out in the kitchen if the wallpaper isn't durable, but it's just another idea.

-- Charleen in WNY (, October 21, 2001.

You can also use cute material and Mod Podge glue. Just put down a thin layer of glue, then put your materal and another coat of glue on top of the material.Make sure you get all covered.When dry it will wipe clean.

-- Micheale from SE Kansas (, October 21, 2001.

I know you can use liquid starch to hang fabric on walls, so I bet you could do the same with drawers. Just soak fabric in starch and place where you want, and smooth out wrinkles. When you are tired of this, just wash out with warm water and starch is gone.

-- Ivy in NW AR (, October 21, 2001.

I don't line them with anything as it is easier to vacuum or wipe them out that way.

-- Ardie/WI (, October 22, 2001.

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