My baby goat is sick and I need HELP fast : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Thank you for all your help my little gorl has pneomonia. I have to give her LA200 1cc.I need to know were is the best place to give this to her and how often do I give it to her. She is less then 20 pounds. I know how much I just need to know what spot and I think I sould just give it to her in her skin.Am I right?

-- Kristen (, October 19, 2001


Is it sub q or im ? IM the best place is in the rear leg muscle .Sub q I usually do the back of the neck where there is alot of skin .Read the bottle and see how often to dose.Go to {hope thats right}and check there site out .Great info on meds and hopefully pictures on how to give them.

-- Patty {NY State} (, October 19, 2001.

LA200 really stings, so don't be suprised if she really reacts to it. There are a couple of different products that do not sting, names slip my mind now but I know someone else will come on that knows them.

-- Leslie in Western WA (, October 19, 2001.

I hope your baby is ok. The only place to give any antibiotic shot is IM or in the large muscle of the rear leg. Make sure you do not hit the bone. It does not need to go in far. Rub the spot and thump it a bit then stick it and thump and rub more when you pull the needle out. This is a 2 person procedure. Hold the baby down, this will make her go ballistic. But she must be immobile. A broken needle will only make matters much worse. Good luck! Cindy

-- Cindy (, October 19, 2001.

Read on the dosage, but also read that all over the counter antibiotics can be given under the skin in goats! If you haven't already purchased the LA200, Tylan 200, Biomyacin or Oxytet 200 are all much better choices. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (, October 20, 2001.

Simply couldn't let this go with someone or a vet telling you pnemonia and use LA200. Who told you it was pnemonia. How did they explain the stools not being normal before she got sick? Just curious. Vicki the skeptic :)

-- Vicki McGaugh (, October 20, 2001.

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