We have our first egg!!! Now what?!

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We got our first egg today!!! The boys were sooooo excited to find it!!! Now my question. Someone told me you couldn't/shouldn't eat the first egg. Is this true? If it is, how long do you have to wait? I find it hard to believe, but I have heard stranger things. Does anyone know? We are all waiting to find out. (There are 7 of us, I don't think this egg is going to go far) Thanks!!!! Lisa B.

-- Lisa B. (j5diecast@aol.com), October 19, 2001


eat it

-- stan (sopal@net-port.com), October 19, 2001.

Lisa, I/ve never heard this before. If you have more than one chicken how will you know when (after the first) chicken lays her egg that the others lay their first egg???? You can mark the first egg and put in fridge and when you have enough for say, scrambled eggs you can fix them for everybody in the family. Congrads, Linda

-- Linda (awesomegodchristianministries@yahoo.com), October 19, 2001.

Eat it with a big smile on your face!

-- Cheryl in KS (cherylmccoy@rocketmail.com), October 19, 2001.

Make mine over-easy. Enjoy. First of many.

-- Tom S. (trdsshepard@yahoo.com), October 19, 2001.

Never heard that one and I have always eaten the eggs .I'm still here so go for it .

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), October 19, 2001.

Lisa, Congrats on your first egg! I still love to go out to the chicken house and see who is laying. I never heard of not eating the first egg, but I learn new things every day. Since you obviously have more than one boy, maybe you should wait until they can each have one. There is nothing better than fresh eggs for breakfast, umm umm goood.

-- Karen in Kansas (kansasgoats@iwon.com), October 19, 2001.

Secretly.....eat it, and then don't tell the rest of your family!

-- r.h. in okla. (rhays@sstelco.com), October 19, 2001.

Maybe it's supposed to be like the first dollar you earn in a business, you're supposed to frame it and hang it on the wall! I have no idea why anyone would think that, but I've never had a problem with eating the first, second, or any egg! HOWEVER, to prevent major fighting, I'd wait until I had enough eggs for the whole gang!!!

-- Sheryl in Me (radams@sacoriver.net), October 19, 2001.

Congratulations! If you hard boil your egg you might get 7 slices out of it. You could make egg salad and put it on 7 crackers! Eating the first egg is a wonderful experience! However, if this is your first, you probably do not know that fresh eggs are IMPOSSIBLE to hardboil and peel nicely! They do not make good Easter Eggs as you would need to keep it for at least a few weeks for it to peel nicely enough to look nice! But do they ever taste GREAT! Once you get used to fresh eggs, store eggs are unacceptable! Happy Eating!!!!! Cindy

-- Cindy (Checindy@cs.com), October 19, 2001.

I think it is neat that your first egg is actually big enough to eat!! My first one was about the size of a robin egg.........really cute. Isn't it fun??? I think maybe you might have gotten it confused about the first egg. I have read that you should not use the pullet eggs to hatch though. Congratulations and may you enjoy an ever increasing egg production.

-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), October 20, 2001.

I have never heard not to eat the first egg either. Funny how stuff like that gets started. Have fun..and congratlations!

-- Jenny (auntjenny6@aol.com), October 20, 2001.

This was our first year for layers. The first egg is the best! One waits so long for that first egg and when you eat it, it is like heaven. Especially if you are used to store bought eggs. So go ahead and eat it and savor it. Of course, many more will follow and will be just as good, but that first egg is special. Beings there are seven of you, you might want to wait until you have seven so all can experience it at the same time.

-- JoAnn in SD (jonehls@excite.com), October 20, 2001.

get more hens so everyone can enjoy. usually hens dont lay every sincle day. so that way you will always have plenty.also, i hope you enjoy every 1st egg you get!!!!!!! they are yummy

-- cody bansiter (urbusted@alltel.net), October 20, 2001.

Glad someone else has problem peeling them too. Also if you never had fresh eggs from chickens who free range , boy you are in for a surprise ! The yolks are a totally different color, they even taste better.

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), October 20, 2001.

I "ran" to the kitchen with our first egg! MMMMM Good!

-- Rickstir (rpowell@email.ccis.edu), October 22, 2001.

I remember my first egg. I put it in a box, lined with cotton, put it on the kitchen table and let everyone in the family look at it. They could not touch, just look. (Are we nuts or what? I am sure my family thought I was, no, they know I am!) Anyway, it is so exiting to go to the coop at collect the eggs.

After I collected a few more I let the family eat the eggs. Delicious!!!!

Congratulations Lisa!!!

-- Cordy (ckaylegian@aol.com), October 22, 2001.

I was so proud of that first egg that you'd have thought I laid it.

Yes eat it!

Think about this: whoever told you that nonsense was wrong--how would you tell which hen laid which egg to determine the "first one" in a flock?

-- Ann Markson (tngreenacres@hotmail.com), October 22, 2001.

The object of not eating the first egg may be spiritualy based. Where you give the first "fruits" away.

-- Diana (MO) (safehavenofhope@hotmail.com), October 26, 2001.

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