RF&P Units in Florida

greenspun.com : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

Did any RF&P E8 units make it as far South as Florida on passenger trains?

-- Carey Stevens (ca.stevens@worldnet.att.net), October 18, 2001


For example- #92 The Champion left Jacksonville October 13, 1968, with SCL 505, 661, and RF&P 1015 as power

-- Larry Brennan (lpbrennan@aol.com), October 21, 2001.

Yes, I remember seeing RF&P E8's on the SAL trains too.

-- Jim Coviello (jcovi60516@aol.com), October 19, 2001.

yes, i rember seeing them in st pete and clearwater stations fairly regularly

-- troy nolen (kirkwood@gdn.net), October 19, 2001.

RF@P E's ran regularly as motive power on Florida trains.I'm sure that this was done to balance mileaqe between the participating railroads between NY and Fla,as was also done with rolling stock. An extreme case of this policy occured at Auburndale years ago,when the St. Pete section of the Silver Star showed up with an RF@P E-8, coach,and 10-6 sleeper! --Paul Coe(paul_coe@yahoo.com

-- Paul B. Coe (paul_coe@yahoo.com), October 18, 2001.

Yes. In 1964, the ACL and RF&P executed a power run through agreement. A number of units from each carrier were equipped with each others train control/train stop apparatus. thus, RF&P units got ACL trainstop and ACL units got RF&P cab signal apparatus. Previous answers on this Q&A forum have listed the unit numbers.

-- Michael W. Savchak (Savchak@mnr.org), October 18, 2001.

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