Over the gate chat

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

Ha Ha , Just a joke! Why don't we all start one. grinTRen

-- Anonymous, October 15, 2001


Gee Tren, I was expecting some thoughtful, insightful piece of writing from you, wahhh!!!!

Now, how about Over the Manure Pile Chat???

-- Anonymous, October 15, 2001

The Over the Manure Pile chat is probably for the dirty jokes, and anything nasty anyone wants to say, and stuff like that . . . . things that should be buried and composted as soon as possible! ;-)

-- Anonymous, October 15, 2001

I think Over the Compost Pile could be fertile grounds...

-- Anonymous, October 15, 2001

Is it time to put on my "hip boots"??

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001

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