good names for female rabbits : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I'm looking for good names to name a female rabbit(Doe).I need to know 'cuz i don't know which one has a better personality a buck or a doe?well i guess a buck but I don't know.

-- Stephanie (, October 12, 2001


Hello again! We've had Big Mama, Snowflake, Sunshine, Muncher, L.A. (a Californian), Biggun, Shadow, Frisky, and Akima.

-- Cheryl in KS (, October 12, 2001.

Well, ours are Twinkletoes, Bambie, Thumper, Pinkie, and Dog Bunny, (barks like a dog and will take a finger off if given a chance). The others are all called 'Stew'.

-- Bear (, October 12, 2001.

stewie or fryer

-- stan (, October 13, 2001.

Stephanie--I hope you're getting a good laugh out of Stan's answers to your questions. I got the same type of response from him when I asked about my pullet with a broken leg. My children are fans of Peter Rabbit, so they named our mama rabbit Mopsy. She had two daughters named Cottontail and Flopsy. The father, of course, was Peter Rabbit.

-- Cathy N. (, October 13, 2001.

Our two does are Molly and Muffin.

-- Terry - NW Ohio (, October 13, 2001.

Stephanie... bucks are more easy going for the most part, but some does can be the same way. What are your favorite books or movies? We often find names that way, or name after herbs or places... We had friends who used to raise dogs, and each litter they would pick a new category. One was vacuums, so they had Hoover, Rainbow, etc. Good

-- Toni Rakestraw (, October 13, 2001.

We just called our rabbit "Bunnie" until a 7 yr. old girl was visiting one day and while feeding she noticed the name "Kitty" on the dish we put her pellets in. Not knowing it was a former cat's dish, nor was she able to read very well, she said "Oh, the bunnies name is "Katie" so our Bunnie has been "Katie" ever since.

-- Duffy (, October 13, 2001.

Well, I dont have rabbits but I do have two ducks and I named them after two of my fave ladies on tv.."Lucy & Ethel". Have two chickens a golden lace wyndott & rhode red.. I wanted to name them Betty (black ) and Wilma(red).. Of course if one hen would have turned out to be a rooster he would have been Fred or Barney... So maybe a fave tv duo'.. Good Luck

-- rebecca cordova (, October 13, 2001.

I have Cindy Lou, Mavis and Claire. Used to have a couple Auracana hens named Thelma and Louise. And a favorite cat once named Clemenine. Always liked that name.

-- Jenny (, October 15, 2001.

Re rabbits -- I've been reading about them and I think a doe has the better personality. I myself have a female mini rex called "Lucy" and would really recommend them. They are very friendly, fairly docile, and like other animals (my dog for instance). I let her out of her cage for a couple of hours a day (with supervision) as they need to run a bit but watch out for electrical cords as they like to chew them.

-- (, January 03, 2002.

for a boy QJo

for a girl Sapphire

-- lisa (, February 02, 2002.

I just got my new little bunny a couple of days ago. I decided to name her chloe. It suits her perfectly.

-- nancy fowler (, February 13, 2002.

My little rabbit is called "Blume" that means Flower in german. cya Tara

-- Tara (, February 27, 2002.

I like Thumper, Angel and MAx !!

-- Tash Jones (, April 09, 2002.

I have a new mini lop and her name is Emma Lou...I also like Libby and Lucy.

-- Sammie Brueggeman (, April 19, 2002.

Harvey or Harvietta ;^)

-- Najia (, April 20, 2002.

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