words of wisdom sought please.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

I went into voluntary repossesion in september 1994. flat was sold in february 1995 and a letter telling me this was sent to my old job address (I found out all this by doing a sarn). i was contacted by debt collecting agency in june 2001 asking for 10,000 quid shortfall which is when i did the sarn. if that letter from february 1995 was their last 'contact' with me are they now out of time to chase me?

-- (dav64@yahoo.com), October 12, 2001


1) What exactly did the Feb 1995 letter say?

2) Who is the lender?

3) Have they made any reference to previous correspondance in the June 2001 letter?

Depending on the answer my response may change!!!!!

-- Matt (Mattyc@ntlworld.com), October 12, 2001.

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