
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

what happened to squishettes.com?

-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001


Rumours aren't good.

From what I hear, the boy who was providing hosting and the moderator who he was engaged to had a spat. During the spat, the boy took the girl's computer and threw it into a pool, then proceeded to screw up the hosting. It might come back, but based I'm not betting on it. Disclaimer: I never had anything to do with the site, and am not a reliable source.

There are lots of forums out there. You can always visit mine, but it's pretty slow going and very casual.

MATH+1 seems to be catching on a bit, especially if you like their journals (and how could you not?).

And there's always threeway action and hissyfit (tell Wing and Glark I said, "hi").

-- Anonymous, October 11, 2001

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