Words of encouragement

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

I want to begin by praising God our Creator who has given us the greatest gift of all and that is his son our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God then anoints us with more love and sends the Holy Spirit, how can any of us not be happy with that knowledge. I want to thank everyone who has written me privately to say I was missed. You are so kind and generous to me! And some worried if I was discouraged. The answer is a RESOUNDING NO!!!! For as followers of Christ we are called "the children of the light" and the children of the darkness want to discourage and stop us. Scripture tells us they will not for the wicked shall be dealt with by God. Now enough about them and let us be about God's business;-) I am happier than I have been in many years. And it is because God has called me by name and sent me on this mission field to plant his church. It is an honor to be an A.M.E pastor. And I have more freedom than I have ever had as a pastor. For in our A.M.E mission statement are the things that Christ tells us to do. My sisters and brothers we are to encourage one another and love one another. I am glad that you miss me, but ALL OF YOUR LONGING HAS TO BE FOR OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. We must pray unceasingly. We must not start financial plans without the anointing of God and without 2 or more in prayer. God's love for me permeates my very being and because of that I know I do not have to take abuse or put myself in unhealthy situations. I choose not to participate in discussions that do not uplift my family of Christ or my lord and Savior. I am having so much fun on this mission field and I pray that my Bishop will allow me to do rural ministry forever! Again thank you for all of your wonderful words and love. God is doing great things in Montana and they are being done through Christ and the A.M.E church. Lastly being a mature christian also means letting go letting God work the hearts of those who want to harm his children. I have no doubt that those who attack this board will be dealt with. For no one can destroy what God has built, I love you all, and let's make a loud joyful noise for our God. And let the congregation say AMEN!!!!!

-- Anonymous, October 09, 2001


Well, Rev Denise AMEN to that. TO GOD BE THE GLORY. We continue to pray and give thanks for you and your church. While you have been called to pastor in the rural ministry out there in Montana, speaking for myself only, you are ministering to the rest of the world out here, not only AME but other believers also, through your testimony. for that I am thankful. May God continue to Bless you real good!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, October 09, 2001

I want to share something with my A.M.E family. I did not come to Christ willingly, as a teenager I was filled with rage, started drinking when I was nine. (I have been sober 27 years because of the healing of Christ.) I lost my family by the time I was 16! Jesus Christ never forgot me, God came and kept loving me when I did not love him at first. Our God is a transforming God. When I received my call to be a minister. I thought "God you deserve someone better to serve you," he spoke to my heart and I said YES! But during those years in college and seminary I did not fit in with the other ministers. I wanted to do Aids Ministry, Prison Ministry and to be a Chaplain. No one seemed to understand. I was told "You should pastor a large urban church" you will get lot's of money. I did not fit in for I said if I wanted lots of money I would go into the private sector or gotten an MBA degree. I loved the United Methodists, but I did not quite fit in. For I always felt the Holy Spirit telling me to do more for God! I AM A.M.E and guess what I fit in!!!! Because when I tell my Bishop I feel called to rural ministry he understands. He says "There is nothing more wonderful than introducing new christians to Christ!" When I ask for permission to go into Prisons, My Bishop and former Presiding Elder says YES! In other denominations you have to write a feasibility study, present it to a committee and wait six months to a year. In our denomination there is a sense of urgency regarding local ministry. I realize finally at age 49 I fit in with God's plan for me. God wanted an A.M.E church in Bozeman, Montana. I was sent here nine years ago. Our A.M.E church is multi-racial and we have more white people now than other races. God has a plan for all of his children, and he does not forget any of us. To see the excitement on the congregation face when we say "The Call to Worship" especially when we say I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the lord. Wow!!! Rural ministry is cutting edge ministry, for you have to think quickly, my pastoral visits means going to a farm or ranch. Talking to someone about God after they have been up all night helping with the birth of a horse. Fussing at the men in church because they missed Church to go hunting. And they did not bring me any elk or deer. God planted 3 A.M.E churches in Montana. He will do it in Idaho, and Wyoming. I love being a part of a visionary denomination. The money thing will work out. For every financial plan we lift up on this board let's lift up a spiritual plan. Let's talk about God! And his son Jesus! Hey you guys, if God could change me, and he has, just think what he can do for our country with the Bodacious A.M.E's going to the far reaches for him. Lastly PLEASE pray for my Bishop John Bryant and Dr. C. They are tireless workers on this mission field. And before their official titles they are pastors and they never forget that part of their calling. I love them dearly. I have had Bishops before as a United Methodists, but the Bryants have a hands on ministry. To Bishop Bryant my small church in Bozeman is just as important to him as his 18,000 member church in L.A. How do I know because The Bishop sends encouragement and wants to know what we are doing. He always responds within a day regarding a ministerial request. Do I look to the A.M.E church for money? NO!!!! For God provides everything we need a building, musical instruments, hymnals, staff. We have not gone without. Hug yourself for me, cause God loves you and so do I?

-- Anonymous, October 09, 2001

Thank God for your testimony. I'm a witness that God doen't ever leave us. Even in the midst of our trials and tribulations, He is ever present. Thank God, that there are still laborers like yourself who are still willing to let God use them for his glory. Will continue to keep you and your congregation in my daily prayer. I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know Bishop and Rev. Bryant when they were in the First District. And, have adopted several of their missionary programs at my local church. AMEN

-- Anonymous, October 09, 2001

Praise God for you and your work Pastor Rogers. I continue to pray for you and the wonderful work God is doing through you in Montana. I am so happy to hear from you again on this board. You have blessed and encouraged so many through your witness on this board. Moreover, you have lifted my spirits many times and brought comfort to my heart. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

Your Sister in the Struggle.

-- Anonymous, October 11, 2001

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