Can chickens and rabbits run around together? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I'm getting a Rabbit in 2 weeks and I wanted to know if Chickens and rabbits can run around together on the ground 'cuz I will put my Rabbit's cage in the chicken coop on the wall.And if the rabbits and chickens can run around together it will save the time &money it will take to build a sepsrate outside run.Thanx for all your help.


-- Stephanie (, October 07, 2001



-- sally mills (, October 07, 2001.

Yes, they can be housed together with no problems. The chickens will keep the rabbit droppings scratched up. The only thing I would advise is to make sure you have something covering the top of the cage. Chickens like to roost there and will poop all over the rabbit cage if allowed.

-- Cheryl in KS (, October 07, 2001.

Just be sure you put the rabbit's cage high enough that the chickens won't roost on it.

-- Elizabeth in e tx (, October 07, 2001.

Okay ... I have a question on the funny side - how high do you have to put a rabbit cage (or anything else, for that matter) so the chickens won't roost on it??? Our rabbits and chickens and ducks and guineas are all in the barn together, and the chickens roost all the way up on the rafters of the barn. Have to have a long ladder to feed/water the rabbits that way, I think. Please don't be offended Elizabeth - your post just struck my funny bone :-)! Covering the cage (s) with light plywood or tin works great - ours don't get messy at all.

-- Phil in KS (, October 08, 2001.

Not offended at all; the tall ladder thought is funny:o) I guess it depends on how tall your barn is--my rabbits are right under the eaves at just about 4' off the ground; no room for chickens above them.

-- Elizabeth in e tx (, October 08, 2001.

If the chickens have a run type thing can the rabbits go in it with the chickens with no problem?

-- Stephanie (, October 08, 2001.

Stephanie, Are you asking if the rabbit can run around on the ground with the chickens? I wouldn't do that, unless you want a really DIRTY rabbit.....and from what I understood you wanted to show them, so ?????? Maybe I'm not understanding what you're asking.


-- Tracey (, October 08, 2001.

Well, sure you can let them pal around together but absolutely NO dating! Otherwise you'll find yourself in one of those ridiculous Cadbury situations with young children asking you all sorts of awkward questions...


-- Live Oak (, October 08, 2001.

You are so right, Oak. But man, those chocolate eggs are SOOOO good! :-)

-- Cheryl in KS (, October 08, 2001.

Ooohhh, I used to work with one of the Cadbury heirs and he always kept us well supplied with products from the family business. Sure do miss him! Oh, about the topic of this thread! Stephanie, just beware that the rabbits may dig- keep an eye out so you don't lose any.

-- Elizabeth (, October 08, 2001.

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