Sick goat kid help ! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi , the weather has turnedd cold and rainy .I have a young {5 months} old doeling who got chilled from the rain and then possibly stepped on .She is in the house on a heating pad and under a blanket .I gave her tylan & penicillin ,seliumw? e and b vitamens.I am putting warm liquids in her mouth but she doesnt want to take them .She is VERY quiet and not moving much .Did I miss something ? Anything else to do ?

-- Patty {NY State} (, October 06, 2001


Vicky just mentioned a emergency 911 site for goats , check forum[ old posts at bottom of page] under goats should be farly recent.think it was

-- kathy h (, October 06, 2001.

Patty, if she was stepped on you could possibly see swelling under the skin, are you thinking internal injuries? A 5 month old isn't a delicate flower which would catch something being out in the cold, or rain. Now if you have a virus going around then yes. Are you treating upper respriatory with the Tylan? What is the pen for? Always an idea to use selenium and vitamins. Unless you are actually tubing the doe, dribbling anything in the mouth with a syringe is ineffective. Put some fluids in a glass and see just how much it takes to dribble, even a couple of ounces, like half and hour! Always keep lactated ringers on hand to inject under the skin, up by the shoulders, for dehydration or keeping it at bay. Excellent B vitamins in paste form in the horse section of catalogs, something we give as soon as we see stress in kids.

I would give her a good once over, see exactly if she has something broken or is sore anywhere. Then look at her gums and also take a temp, a low temp is a sure sign of anemia (worms, cocci or internal bleeding) Do not change her diet drastically, offer her hay and grain. Then listen to her lungs, congestion, wheezing? Then yes the Tylan is in order. Even if you find something swollen, I think the penicillin is a waste. Make sure you take care of her rumen especially if you are giving her stuff sweet by mouth, and take care not to over due the molassas water, Probios is best, but in a pinch yogurt can do until you can get some. If you have any other symptoms please feel free to call. Even if she perks up tommorrow this stressful situation is enough to let cocci and worms multiply quickly in this kid, keep and eye on her, a sulfa drug and a worming, continueing the Probios of course. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, October 06, 2001.

Thanks Vicki , she is more alert .Gums are pinker and she is warming up .I have her near the heat vent with the heating pad on .She was sounding very gurggly when blatting .I am not one for penicillin either but thought it could not hurt .I do think it is from the cold , and its respitory .No signs of injury as of yet .She was one of triplets and the smallest in the bunch , I have to go get some paste and ringer tomorrow if I can find them , what about dextrose {sp} ? I also Have an iv setup on hand , just nothing to put in it ! Thanks , hopefully she will go back to sleep .The baby{humane} is also sick and I have a feeling not much sleep tonight.

-- Patty {NY State} (, October 06, 2001.

I would move her away from the heat for awhile and then take her temp to see what it is. Unless she is hyperthermic there is no need to have heat on her.

-- Leslie in Western WA (, October 07, 2001.

Wow...if my goats are ever sick...Now I know who to ask for help!!! I hope yours is much better soon Patty!!

-- Jenny (, October 07, 2001.

Her body temp was down .She got more alert and gums turned to a normal color but we lost her last night .Thanks for all yor help.

-- Patty {NY State} (, October 07, 2001.

I'm so sorry you lost her Patty. It sounds like you did your best and that she knew you loved her.

-- Rebekah (, October 07, 2001.


-- renee oneill{md.} (, October 07, 2001.

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