After juicing apples, can leftover pulp be used for something else? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have one of those Acme juicerator gizmos that force the juice out of the spout and the leftover apple pulp clings to the side of the dealybob that whirls around. Have any of you come up with any uses for the pulp?

-- gita (, October 06, 2001


How about making some apple butter?

-- Kim in Indiana (, October 06, 2001.

You add cider to it when you are making apple butter not take it away. At least we always did when we cooked id down in the old copper kittle. Feed it to the pigs or chickens,

-- Mel Kelly (, October 06, 2001.

apple sauce?? How about freeze it in ice cube trays for a flavored drink? Apple cookies?

-- stan (, October 06, 2001.

Deer feed or compost.

-- mitch hearn (, October 06, 2001.


-- Kathy (, October 06, 2001.

When mixed with 4 lb of sugar and 3 gal of water and fermented propery it will make a very suitable apple table wine.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, October 06, 2001.

If you have animals such as cows, horses, pigs, or chickens, they would probably love to eat it. Not sure about goats, but probably.

If you are in a warmer area and still have hornets and yellow jackets active, and decide to compost it, you probably should bury it in the compost pile or you'll have hornets up the wazoo!

-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (, October 07, 2001.

You can also make it into apple butter, as stated earlier, you just use water and apple cider vinegar in doing so. Be careful how much apple scrap you feed to your horses at a time, especially if they are not used to it. (and depending on how much you are juicing)

-- julie f. (, October 07, 2001.

Muffins, muffins, muffins!!!!!

-- Julie (, October 07, 2001.

Apple jelly (along with peel and cores).

-- Don Armstrong (, October 07, 2001.

Chill the apple pulp and then use it as a face mask. The pectin tightens and lifts you skin (a natural, temporary face lift) and the the chilly temperature reduces puffiness around your eyes and tightens pores. You might wish to place a gauze 4X4 over your eyes before pressing the pulp over them just to keep the mess out of your eyelashes,etc.

Also, try dehydrating the pulp into fruit leather. It will make a great snack.

-- Carmen Black (, October 09, 2001.

We've made some great fruit leather with leftover pulp.

Just add honey to sweeten if need be and spread on cookie sheets. We have a gas oven with a pilot light that works great for drying things. Experiment with thicknesses. The stuff will get thinner as it dries.

-- LBD (, October 09, 2001.

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