Airstream stuck in porous garden : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hubby and SIL went to move our old Airstream (1977 vintage) to our country place.....they both got stuck in the garden area which is VERY porous and dug themselves in (Hubby in a Ford 250 p/u and SIL in a Yukon 4WD.....)

We have a good solid dirt road, but now the A/S is stuck in the garden area, about 15' into it...(from the road)

Any suggestions on how or *what* we need to get it out of there? The Ford and the Yukon just "dug themselves" in and broke the planks under their wheels......arghhhhhhh

Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!

-- Birdlady (, October 05, 2001


Airstreams make dandy chicken coops!

Just kidding.....I think a tractor...or two....or a tow truck with a LONG winch cable is in order.

Then might compost!

-- Jason (, October 05, 2001.

Go visit the neighbors and borrow some chains and then pull from the solid road. You can put amazing lengths of chain on things and get out of trouble that way (blush! You should see some of the places I've gotten stuck . . .)

-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, October 05, 2001.

I would be careful about just applying multiple tractors or whatever, if it is stuck that hard how can you avoid doing damage to the Airstream? Try and lift the Airstream to free it from it's stuck position.

-- john hill (, October 06, 2001.

Yup, dig it out, jack it up, put rocks (boards, dry dirt) under the tire path and THEN pull.

-- Joe (, October 06, 2001.

It is possible that the air tight bottom of the airstream has developed a vacuum with the moist soil, remove enough soil to prevent this before trying again.

-- mitch hearn (, October 06, 2001.

Try lifting it first. Using a few large innertubes like are used in large OTR truck tires, dig under the camper and put the tubes under flat areas or use plywood over them. Air the tubes up to "float" it prior to pulling it out on cross ties or fence posts as a track.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, October 06, 2001.

My husband got stuck once off the road and our neighbor pulled him out with a tractor and chain.

-- PJC (, October 09, 2001.

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