Enlarger Headsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I have an excellent sturdy copy stand. Are there any good enlarger heads that I can use on this stand. This setup would be a big improvement to my present system. Thanks for any suggestions, Alex
-- Alex Uribe (alwxuribe@usa.net), October 05, 2001
Kaiser make a copy stand which can have an enlarger head attached. I haven't seen the head, but I have one of the stands. Quite well made. Maybe you could use it, depending on the fittings on your stand. Alternatively, a second hand enlarger could be cannibalized to get you a head. Fitting would be a matter of making some brackets etc
-- John Stockdale (jo.sto@bigpond.com), October 07, 2001.
I'd think the inconvenience of removing the enlarger head from the copy stand and stashing it somewhere when you want to copy something would make buying a good secondhand enlarger a better idea.
-- Keith Nichols (knichols1@mindspring.com), October 07, 2001.
Alex, saw your post on the other forum...anyways, if you have a Polaroid MP series copystand, such as an MP3 or the newer MP4...they made an enlarger adapter accesory for those units. You might want to drop polaroid a line to see if they still offer these, I've seen them for the MP4's and their pretty nice. If you contact Polaroid, you might want to try to get a copy of the system manuals for the MP3's or 4's. You might be surprised at how many accesories they made....I have a fairly extensive MP3 manual, from the mid-70's if you get in a bind....we have an ancient MP3 here....but it's been relegated to the back in favor of a more modern copystand (Bencher). Good luck. FWIW, there are several large format enlargers that can be used as copystands as well. For example, Durst, and some of the Kaiser models, so it's not unheard of.
-- DK thompson (kthompson@moh.dcr.state.nc.us), October 09, 2001.