Can someone please help me out : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread

Hi everyone, I am a student at IUP who is currently taking and interst in photgraphy. My qeustion is, I want to begin taking black and white pictures. They seem to catch my attention more but I have no idea on what kind of camera would be best to use. Could someone please let me know. Thanks :)

-- Carrie Hess (, October 01, 2001


There's no trick to it at all - if you already own a 35 mm camera simply get yourself a roll of black and white film instead of colour. There is one hitch to it though if you're not doing your own processing - black and white processing is not as conveniently available as colour so depending on where you live it could be treated as a special order and will cost more. Harv

-- Harv Jenkins (, October 02, 2001.

Any camera!!! but I would suggest that you buy a set of Black and White filters yellow, orange , red and not a popular one green and I would suggest in G Britain fitting an orange at all times when there is a 'sky' in the shot

-- David A. Henderson (, October 09, 2001.

Carrie, No one has mentioned it, but if you already have a 35mm you can get good B&W from the Chromogenic films (Ilford XP2 and TMax400CN) - they process in C41(for color) and can be printed at a one hour lab (if they know how to set up the equipment).

Good luck

-- Mike Castles (, November 09, 2001.

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