older arca swiss 5x7?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Can anyone tell me if Arca Swiss made a 5x7 version of their older axis, base and DP cameras? I have an old 4x5 A , which I am quite happy with, and I was hoping I might be able to get a 5x7 bellows and rear standard to "convert" it to a 5x7 (and ideally, a 4x5 back so I could switch formats without changing bellows). I've seen an older style 8x10, but can find no trace of a 5x7. Has anyone ever seen, or better yet, actually used one of these? Thanks in advance,

-- Ron Barter (mistnfrost@superaje.com), September 30, 2001


Since 5x7 is more popular in Europe than the USA I'd be surprised if they didn't . Arca-Swiss' e-mail address is: arca-swiss@swissonline.ch

-- Ellis Vener (ellis@ellisvener.com), October 01, 2001.

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