Babydoll Sheep (For Sale) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am selling the remainder of our Olde English Southdown Babydoll Sheep. They are registered and have adorable little faces. Their size is excellent and on the small side. We have blacks and whites. The make good pets and excellent little lawn mowers. I am selling out at half price, blacks $200.00 and whites $150.00 each. Please email if you are interested.
-- Denise Mitchell (, September 30, 2001
Where are you??? They sound adorable!
-- Jenny Pipes (, October 01, 2001.
my uncle and I raise purebred sourhdown sheep and we are interested in starting in the minatures we have 2 very small ewe lambs that wrer born in may
-- Andrew Paisley (, October 17, 2001.
I am interested in a dark black male babydoll sheep. Thanks :-)
-- Brenna Scanlan (, November 13, 2001.