Scrapie information : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have my 3 young ewes who will not be bred until next year. I read something on the forum about manditory scrapie testing? And that it is very expensive and will hurt the small sheep breeder. Is there a web site where I can get more information? All I want to do is raise a few lambs to sell and to keep the grass in my pastures at a respectful height. My goats won't eat the grass and the sheep do a great job. The ewes were born in Kansas, and so were the parents does that make any difference?? Thanks.
-- Karen in Kansas (, September 30, 2001
Here are the websites given in some information that I was sent. My daughter used to have sheep, but we sold off the last of them a couple weeks ago (thank goodness). I have kept 3 goats, but will sell them as well if this begins to be a problem.National Institute for Animal Agriculture
USDA, APHIS, Vet Services
-- beckie (, September 30, 2001.
Karen go back and read the other site. I gave out the information for you to get the complete phamphlet on your own. Very easy to understand informtion, a lot less complicated than reading the APHIS site. If your sheep are for your use, you don't show, you don't sell to other states, and you don't have a scrapie outbreak in your area, it really doesn't affect you. Your local vet will know the rules. If it affects your because you show or sell, it is just ear tags, which they give you for free, and some paperwork. No testing! Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, September 30, 2001.