Goats have warts

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I just bought a goat and she has warts on her mouth. A friend said it was some type of virus and it would run it's course. He said the whole herd may get it before it does, but it will eventually go away. My goat book says it is 'Orf', but didn't say how to treat it. So? What do I do?

-- bear (BarelyKnow@aol.com), September 29, 2001


If it is orf you need to isolation the goat from any others.It will get better in about 3 weeks even if you dont do anything. When the scabby and crusty falls off the virus can persist for many years in the scab and therefore outbreaks may occur after several years.You can go to the vet and get an ointment for like $5.00 to go on it. I wood feed it some concentrate foods till it gets better. Use rubber gloves when you are around it and wash real good because humans can get orf.

-- bo in east tn (bos@preferred.com), September 29, 2001.

opps :) thats would not wood its 12:00a.m. here

-- bo in east tn (bos@preferred.com), September 29, 2001.

Bear, no sense in isolating her. Sore mouth, orf, contagious ecthima, call it what you like, is very common in goats. The goats who don't get it in your herd are immune, because they previously got it, or received immunity from their mom. This doe has it, got it from the sale barn she was at before you got her, or stress has brought it on, you could also have it on your place, and she got it from you. The scabs fall off and infect your soil. So just let everybody get it and get it over with. The only treatment is to just get a spray bottle. Fill it with water and oil (vegetable oil, mineral oil, etc) and a small tube of baby orajel. Shake it vigorusly and spray this on their lips, this will keep the scabs soft so the lips don't peel and crack, and also eases the pain so they will eat. It can get horrible for nursing does when her kids get it on their mouths then give it to the dams on their teats. So you are lucky you caught this now and not this spring! No antibiotic will touch this so don't waste your time or money. Always wear gloves until the sores are completely healed, you can catch this also! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), September 30, 2001.

Thanks Vickie.... I knew you would know! You so good! Wish you lived closer to me... some goat smarts might rub off on me cause I would be pestering you relentlessly. Do you have a website? Think I frequent it if it is one I think it is.

-- Bear (barelyknow@aol.com), September 30, 2001.

My website is on MSN communities, The Goat Shed, a few others from this site are on it, all goat and sheep folk, quiet right now with just breeding once the does start kidding watch out! I also frequent Gary's site on goatworld.com, it is a nice site, with lots of info. Both sites are restricted, we will delete nonsense in a heartbeat! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), September 30, 2001.

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