The Doom Zombies dig a new low even for them : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

Are they happy or what? Gary Duct Tape must be so proud.

-- Anonymous, September 27, 2001


Those are truly some of the sickest indviduals I have ever had the misfortune of running into. Must be a really sad life to live in such a dark, depressing world. Makes you wonder sometimes why they don't just go ahead and end it all now.

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001

True and it could even be stated that reading too much of their stuff is very "unhealthy". It is most important as we discovered pre-2000 to know and understand where this "stuff" comes from. And its always the same: "the Great Calamity" is coming. Most people don't and will never "get it". You are lucky. Send the check to.........and we will get your gold coins, MRIs and gas masks off to you (Fed. Ex. charges slightly higher). Ammo you have to get locally.

But it is actually healthy to see this because it shows that Y2k was not an isolated example but merely a continuation of a line of "thinking" that merely goes from issue to issue. After 1/1/2000 we saw the "oil crisis", then the dot com crash, the DJI erosion and now "The Big One" for them.

It doesn't matter that one by one the shills who milk them by selling "gold Coins" and "preps" are wrong time after time. THIS TIME its for sure.............(LOLOLOL).

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001

Yeah, but you must admit, Smart AZ [whoever that is] has a very subtle sense of humor lacking in the others. :)

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001

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