monosodium glutamate, will it make you glow in the dark? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Seeing MSG as an ingrediant in a lot of off the shelf products, I searched for the compound's base material. It seems that it is dehydrated, ground, sugar beets, an organic material. Does anyone have chemical knowledge enough to say for sure?

-- mitch hearn (, September 26, 2001


Try this site.

This site contains research studies done on MSG, and its effects on people.

Talk to you later.

-- Bob in WI (, September 26, 2001.

I am interested in that site; however, your link does not work???

-- Karen (, September 26, 2001.

I think Bob meant this site: MSG

But I've had people tell me that they cannot lose weight when dieting if they eat any MSG. So perhaps it isn't an allergen, but it may be a food intolerance in some people.

-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, September 26, 2001.

MSG might not make you glow in the dark, but it gives me "horse kicking" migraine headaches, yuck!!! In fact, most women beyond 40 cannot tolerate it well at all, so perhaps we should listen more to what our bodies are telling us.

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, September 26, 2001.

Same here-with the headaches I mean, sometimes abdominal cramps to boot. I try VERY HARD to stay away from the stuff.

-- Kelly (, September 26, 2001.


Thanks for correcting my bob boo.

Talk to you later.

-- Bob in WI (, September 28, 2001.

I get a headache just thinking about MSG. One chinese restaurant in our town has a new policy that they restrict the MSG in their food due to so many people who can't tolerate it. I, for one, need to lay down and turn off the lights and keep absolutely still when I get one of those headaches. I don't know what it is in that stuff, but it's a real evening killer if I eat something with a lot of MSG in it. I try to read the food labels before I eat something new to see if it is loaded with MSG or not.


-- Cindy (, September 28, 2001.

Hello Mitch, MSG is used as a "flavor enhancer" in food. To most people it is harmless, but there are a few who have reactions to it. I do not like it in my foods because it makes my heart beat faster. So, do sulfites that are in chemically processed wines. Sincerely, Ernest

-- (, September 28, 2001.

I am sorry to see so many have reactions to MSG, but glad as well, I have never heard of anyone besides myself who couldn't tolerate it. I knew there had to be more out there! I get the roaring headache, can't breath, shakes, sick to my stomach,and vision disturbances. I watch out for it and won't buy products with it in there - bad stuff!!

-- Cindy in Ok (, September 29, 2001.

I heard, (or read)somewhere (can't remember; take this for what it is worth)that MSG doesn't actually do anything to the food to make it taste better, instead, it works on the taste glands in the mouth (or tongue)stimulating them so that the effect is that we feel it tastes better. I avoid the stuff.

-- Ann W. (, October 01, 2001.

I just found this: check it out!!

-- Ann W. (, October 01, 2001.

Here's another place for info on MSG:

-- Ann W. (, October 01, 2001.

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