call me crazy, call me sane, but it will all come out the same : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

Ok. I don't feel like something is about to happen anymore, I feel like IT IS HAPPENING! Call it the coming of the Lord, call it the dawn of the new age, call it the great purification, call it earth changes,It is here, it is now, and we are experiancing it!

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001


I'm not sure how to reply! I am filled with uncertainty as to what will unfold concerning what has happened lately. I am afraid that this could set off a situation from which there is no return. That is why I believe we need to reach out in love and come to a peaceful resolution. Otherwise, you may well be right. Other than to speak out what is in my heart, I feel it is out of my control and try not to dwell on the possible outcome too much.

This thing you feel, does it feel scary or or positive? I'm just wondering as I'm not as intuitive as I wish I could be. I'm not really feeling anything right now.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

Am I scared, Hell yes, I am! Shaken in my boots, I am. And always second guessing myself why didn’t I study harder, why didn’t I accomplish more? Have I let my Pisces; escape from reality; syndrome gets out of balance?

I read about biological weapons two years ago when a man was arrested for stocking up on them. I read his book. Why didn’t I get my family vaccinated for small pox while I still could? I had all these warnings. As a child I grew up listening to adults discuss the “end of the world”, I have gobbled up the Hopi Prophecies, of the Earth Changes, I have read the New Age discussions of The New World.

I have been reading the astrology of bin Laden and it is like reading a Drama, What’s happening in the sky right now! The eruptions of conjunctions! It’s just amazing to me that our lives are written in the very stars that shine on us, the eyes of God they are! Was it not a star that the wise men followed to the Christ child?

Sometimes I think that the New Agers are right and I have helped create reality. Often as I have looked and seen Mother Nature raped by men, I have wished for the doom of man. But now the man that is doomed is perhaps I, my own family, and perhaps my children. Wow, it got real personal all of a sudden.

This I found, and it helps me.

To my Fellow swimmers

From the Hopi Elders.

“There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid.

They will try to hold on to the shore.

They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination.

The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water.

And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.

‘At this time in history, we are to take nothing personal. Least of all, ourselves, For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

“The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!

Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones that we have been waiting for.”

Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation.

Remember the song, Its the End of the World as you know it, and your be fine, your be fine, I just keep humming it to myself like a lullaby. It all has something to do with going out of the age of pices and into the Age of Aquarius, Pisces was the age on outer religion, and Aquarius will be the age of inner spiritual ness. I am starting to think that the change may not be so much outer as inner.? Trendle holding up a big Question mark!, always a question mark!

I found it very interesting and as if he was speaking right to me when I read Limitless love and the millennium by “Zadkiel.........”We all know somthings up. That’s why we are here. That’s why we look in these folders, dig into the past, dote on every dream or experience of other fellow trekkers on the journey through the millemmial porthole. We all want to figure out what’s going on, what it might look like , and try to get enough information to calm the fear of our little selves as they cling to the familiar things, and the habits of an old age fast dissipating into the new within us. We have a thought that maybe aliens will land, there will be a big earthquake somewhere, the sinister government will emerge and take over the day to day government, but we will still shop at the supermarket, drive our cars, and chat with out digital buddies online about the latest headlines. Whenever we entertain the possibility that we may actually be involved in some of these changes, our fear jumps to the surface, we go out and buy some canned goods, and pray that it won’t be too bad.”

OH Gosh, does this guy know me!!!!!!!!Laugh, ha ha, that’s me , yup,

I had to share this part of his web site article.

GOVERNMENT, AND ECONOMICS For certain, the current power structures of government, economics, and all human institutions that do not align to the new energies will disintegrate. My sense, it will happen quite rapidly -- over the next 5 years. It will look really scary. Many of the institutions we take for granted will go through huge changes and many will disintegrate all together -- because they are not based on spirit. There may be an attempt to control the population by ELF, with media, with police state tactics. I think anything they do is going to be very short-lived; 3.5 years at the most. The rising tide is toward spirit and all the qualities of spirit -- including freedom, abundance, and love for those who are willing to align to spirit. My sense of them at this point, is that they are already experiencing a huge amount of chaos and confusion and may not be able to roll any of this out. If they do, it will be weak compared to the backlash from the people. Again, it feels like we are getting a lot of intervention. It also feels like part of this intervention is that a lot will be exposed to the public in the next couple of years and they won't be able to follow through because no one will cooperate. New ways of working with each other will emerge. Certain places will become centers of trade outside the old systems. Barter will become increasingly commonplace. Community-based farmers markets will become the norm, replacing mega supermarkets. And, as the power of spirit increases and manifests in more and more people, sustenance will come from the most surprising sources. Rapidly, things will shift to a new way of relating to each other, individually, collectively, globally. There will be a new world government after all the changes, but it won't look like anything we have now. It will be the first government based on the attunement of each member of society to their own indwelling spirit. Keep in mind, I don't mean that the new earth will include a new theocracy that tells everyone what to do. Religion will no longer separate us. Lust and greed will not be the basis for decisions which affects the whole. With the energy of the new heaven moving us, there will be no room for petty greed, lust, and power games. It won't be another incarnation of the same attempts at separation and control that we experience now with our current governments. Everyone on the planet at that point will be guided by their own internal guidance and that will be respected. Amazingly, what each one gets to do internally will mesh like the threads of finely-crafted tapestry with the world as a whole. The key thought to focus on through all this is that God is your supply. In this culture, we have so much of our survival tied-up with money, supermarkets, and shopping malls. That is going to change. We just have to get through the fear of each other to see the abundance we possess. One message I received in preparation for all this is to learn the story of "Stone Soup" (a classic kid's book) and learn how to tell it. ‘

Zadkiel, Limitless love

Wow, guys when I read that, it felt so cool, because that stone soup story, is my story, that's the one Trendle tell’s at campfires. It’s so good when you know that you have stumbled upon the path, to at least know that you have been where another seeker sat.

So, hey I think we are gonna have to saddle up for the ride here, fellow swimmers, that's what they have been telling us for the longest time. I just got to thinking that it never was going to happen, but by golly it seems the waters are starting to flow. Theres not much that I can do now, about what I didn’t do.

I always knew that I was part of a change, I was born at the earliest of spring, I was the middle child, I have always thought that If I could be alive at anytime in life, it would be at the very beginning.

Will it be that I will get to see that beginning? My hair has rapidly begun to turn grey, and my vision has begun to dim. Will it be I’ll see the new morning? And new light will shine from within.?

Love Love, Tren

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

Sorry if I sound frightning to anyone, remember it's just silly little me Tren, I am just so excited, it is as if the alarm clock has gone off and I have been sleeping and now I am suddenly awoken and I am afraid that I have over slept! Writing through this with you all is helping me get over the fear and on to foucusing on the outcome of the labor. I certainly hope that me talking through my fears has not fightened anyone else.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

Gosh, Tren, I really think what you are experiencing is the "power rushes" that sometimes happen when menopause is happening, or perimenopause is happening!!! LOL !!! Many women have told me about them, sort of like the manic phase of manic depression, enjoy it while it lasts, might get the opposite type feeling in a few weeks or months. Meanwhile, try a good progesterone cream to stabilize your hormones to avoid feeling like your experiencing an "out of body event" !!!

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

Tren...repeat after me: MENOPAUSE WILL PASS...MENOPAUSE WILL PASS. I learned this technique from Aunty Em :-)!!!

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

I feel what we are seeing is the passing of the normal social convention cycles from one to the next.Aggressive,religeous, scientific and social community are the four main ones as I recall from my sociology class many years ago. Of course, the cycles are now completing much faster that a few hundred years ago. What used to travel with the speed of a messenger, now travels at the speed of a gigahertz.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001

Don't worry, what is sanity anyway? Is the mainstream sane? We "left" when we realised that civilization is on a pathway to self and global destruction. On the human time scale, civilizations rise and civilizations fall. On the evolutionary time scale, species come and species go. You are right, of course it is happening. It may just be happening faster at some time than others!

We just have to live our lives in a way that we are happy with ourselves. Nothing else matters.

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

OH Joy, bless you now I know that at least all of you don't think that I have lost it. I do think that things are going to change and I think we are going to have to choice weather we are on the side of fear or the side of Love. I guess my ideas where just a little too far out there for some. I have always felt this way.

-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001

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