I might disappear for awhilegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread |
Tomorrow, I'm getting cable internet installed. You hope such a thing will go well, but you never know! Also, a friend told me that many have had trouble with their email on the cable hook-ups, so even though I plan to keep my private email for the rest of the month that I've already paid for, I might not be able to access it. So any of you that have the private addy, and for all others, use the one I post with here, CatFlunky@excite.com. It's possible that I won't even be able to get to that, either. So if you email me and I don't answer very soon, that might be why. I'll try to have Julie post if I do have problems. And now that I've bothered to post this, maybe I won't have a problem at all! Wouldn't that be nice?
-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001
I hope you don't have any problems. When we got our cable internet it was great. The serviceman made all the connections and we were set to go. No problems at all.
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001
Joy, When you disappear will we hear a big "poof"?? Sorry...couldn't resist!! Good luck with your cable internet. I've heard that the connection speed is really fast with cable.
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001
Considering my poundage, yes, a VERY BIG POOF! Add into that the volcanic temper tantrum a failure to work properly would induce, and probably the world will rock! Everyone bolt down their computers! LOL! The installer is coming 'sometime' this afternoon, so you have a little while to secure the premises. ;-)Marcia, the speed AND the fact that it won't tie up the phone line are the two main factors for getting it, and the timing has to do with their special offering FREE installation! :-) Won't really cost me any more than my dial-up ISP plus the second phone line that I was thinking about.
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001
Hey that's way cool! In my area we don't even have cable t.v. available let alone cable internet!!! We have to use a sat. dish to get more than 3 t.v. stations. BUT... we did install a second phone line just so I could gab all day with you guys :-)!! Our primary phone line is a business phone.
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001
test............does that mean you are with us??? like not a puff or poof??
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001
{POOF!!}I'm hooked up, but still futsing around with details. It wouldn't let me post here at first, but now it seems okay! Ah, the joys of technology!
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001
I THINK I felt a volcanic eruption....no, never mind. It was just DH enjoying the chili I made for supper tonight. Glad you're back online, Joy!!
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2001