thanks : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

I just got a message saying my site ( is exceeding the alotted amount of free data transfer (3Gb a month). I guess people do still like looking at Aeon :-) This means that it might not be accessible at some times in the future. If it is down, try again later. oh yeh, and I have listed some auctions

-- William (, September 23, 2001


William; when you say a source close to Colossal, do you mean the art studio or a buyer of art? Can I ask this? I never have understood the trading cards. Were they authorized by Peter Chung? I read once they originated outside of MTV, but HOW can they replicate the exact scenes from the series?, what did they work from? What medium is the art done in. Who did the art, were the artists workers on Flux too?

-- Barb e. (, September 23, 2001.

You can ask anything Barb ;-) The person I bought them from was a close friend (partner I believe) of a person that worked in Colossal.

The trading cards were a fully licensed and authorised release. From what I have heard Fleer is a large card company. MTV brought out their own set with The Maxx, The Head etc... in it. I am not sure whether Peter approved or even liked them, but MTV made the decision to produce them. The artwork on each of them is so good a studio artist or Peter himself would have drawn them. Each proof is on a thin plastic film, as you would expect from a color art proof, the colors are amazingly rich.

-- William (, September 24, 2001.

I would like to ask this: I have printed out the forum, and as you know the pics placed on here are x'd out. Whatever that means. Yet the pics that are x'd out by you William, came out as pics on my printed pages? Why???

-- Barb e. (, January 03, 2002.

The "X'ed out" symbols in place of images indicates that the images are either temporarily unavailable or no longer exist at the location specified by the embedded link.

-- Starscream (, January 03, 2002.

for unknown reasons i am to understand that the Aeon Flux Top Level will be no more. Speaking of printing out the flux forum, call me crazy if you must heh. but i'm currently copying the entire forum (and hope it will be up long enough for me to do so) on to CDRs so if anyone wants a copy and doesn't want to go through the hassel, drop me an email and i'll send a copy ur way.

-- Lady Morgan (, January 04, 2002.

OK OK I just got these in my email. Is this for real!? Is this really going to be cut off?

-- William (, January 04, 2002.

perfect! What a R I OT that was great William, you kick ass man.

Shucks .

-- dangerboy (, January 05, 2002.

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