Blurry digital pictures on VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

After using the "Video Impression" feature on the Roxio Platinum 5.0 Easy CD Creator to convert my digital pictures to the MPEG format so I could make a VCD, the pictures became blurry when I played the VCD on my DVD player and they appeared on my 32" TV. The pictures were crystal clear when I transferred them onto the VCD so I think what's happening is that the picture is being enlarged to fit the entire tv screen which distorts the clarity of the picture.

Does anyone know of a way to fix this problem so that the picture on the VCD is as clear as the original picture from my camera? Any help would be appreciated.

-- Andrew Forti (, September 23, 2001


You may find that if you create a VCD on a standard PC the quality is great, as it is using SVGA specifications. However when you play these through a standard TV set with has an image quality of QVGA, you will get natural bluring. You may want to try and experiment with the output size of the image, I usually use 352x288. This has a more than adequate effect. You may also want to increase that ratio, if the length of your digital film is not going to impact to much on the data capacity of the CD-R your using.

Your not experiancing a fault in your software, more of a configuration glitch, I'm sure with experimentation, you will find the best resolution.

Hope this helps.

-- The Boss (, September 25, 2001.

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