Removing Odor Absorbed by : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I purchase a lot of staples from an Amish bulk food store. The odor in the store is a little odd (from gas lighting?), and sometimes the food has absorbed the odor. Is there any way to remove absorbed odors from food? Thanks.
-- Sharon/WI (, September 22, 2001
Stash a box of baking soda in the staples? I know baking soda will absorb alot of odors. I wonder if you could sew some kind of sqare with baking soda inside.
-- Ann Markson (, September 22, 2001.
staples?? I didnt know the Amish used staples,, do the use a staple gun also? And what does it matter that staples smell bad?
-- stan (, September 22, 2001.
Ha!! I thought about that after I hit the submit button...staple n. 1: a chief commodity or product
In this case, food.
-- Sharon/WI (, September 22, 2001.