Can we help others rise from the ashes of last Tuesday? : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
It has been a week and already the travel market is crashing to the ground. Thousands will loose jobs. Corporate travel has been virtually shut-down. The Federal reserve lowers interest to try and stave off a recession. America is wrestling with this awful nightmare of terror.Can the AME Church be seen or heard in the National Spotlight helping to raise the conscience and confidence of America? Should the Church be out front? Is the enemy getting the upper hand? I saw the Associated Press Picture Rev. Stocker wrote about.The Government is sending planes and bombs after someone the President admits he does not know. Do any of you feel there is something the AME Church can do? I appreciate your thoughts.God Bless You and Keep You
-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001
What happened in Ny is Gods warning to a nation and a church at slumber, sin is abounding, yet those who know Christ can pray for God cannot be reached without the Lord Jesus Christ. Read Psalms 9:17, our nation is corrupt because of the cowards who call themselves Christains hiding in buildings, God has called us to spread the word to the lost, in the last days we shoud do that. The antichrist is about to rise up in Isreal all religions who agree with him failed to love the truth, thus they will be decieved. Jesus is is the only way. Bush is a coward as Soloman-pray for him.
-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001
Dear Nalton:I think the first organization that can do something is the Women's Missionary Society. From the national level some kind of call of alert should have gone out for service. The members of this organization (I am a "member" by the way) pride themselves on the "service" work they conduct in Africa/Haiti, etc. I feel a service project breeding/developing right here in the U.S. I am the president of my local society and I have received no correspondence on this issue. Certainly we can give money. Certainly we can all give blood. Our churches should be sponsoring blood drives across the connection. These are just a few ideas. You posting is very thoughtful and timely.
-- J
-- Anonymous, September 21, 2001
Dear Sis. J Thank you for your answer. I hope that all of those who read this will heed the call and move in service. You are someone the Church should value. God Bless You
-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001
The local churches can co-op with the American Red Cross on an ongoing basis, for blood drives, disaster training and other service projects. It only takes a spark; we are a small congregation; we have two WMS members actively involved with the Red Cross and they keep us informed of needs. Voter education and registration is needed in all churches. We NEED to be informed prior to election day; ....what does the candidaate stand for?....what is the candidate's track record on the matters that I value? While the WMS is the organized group, please be remined that ALL believers are required to work as missionaries.
-- Anonymous, September 24, 2001