need to sell icelandic moorit ewe : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Help! We need to sell one of our Icelandics. I am behind a car payment, and don't really want to part with her, but have no choice. She is a 2 yr old, purebred, registered, red moorit. I would like to have $450.oo for her, but will consider any offer made. Thanks for all your help, Mike and Shannon 'R' Cokomo Ranch MW OR, USA

-- mike (, September 20, 2001


Mike go to then search for goatandsheeprancher, join the group and post this to the list. I just sent someone their last week looking for an icelandic sheep. Not that I even knew what that was :) Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, September 20, 2001.

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