Cervin Robinson

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I just picked up a copy of Cervin Robinson's Cleveland, Ohio. Absolutely great architectural photography, by the way. Anyway, I've had a hard time finding any information about Cervin Robinson except for a few cursory references in a couple books I've read. Does anyone know of any good sources of information either on the photographer specifically or his technique? Thanks much.

-- David Munson (orthoptera@juno.com), September 19, 2001


There was an interview with him in View Camera magazine quite a while ago- check the back issues. Cervin was the co-author of "Architecture Transformed", which is a great history of architectural photography.

-- David Rose (DERose1@msn.com), September 19, 2001.


To add to David Rose's post "Architecture Transformed" by Cervin Robinson and Joel Herschman - jointly published by Massachusets Institute of Technology and The Architectural League of New York. ISBN: 0-262-18121-5 Cervin wrote the Introduction and parts II, III, IV.

Also, "The American Architectural Photographer" Rockport Publishers ISBN: 1-56496-073-0 highlights Cervin's work and there is an essay. In gthis book Cervin's contact details are given: 251 West 92nd Street, #10E, New York, NY 10025 - 212 873 0464

You might also like to look at "The Idea Of Louis Sullivan" - Photography by John Szarkowski on Super XX in the 1950's.

Cheers ... WG

-- Walter Glover (walterg@netaus.net.au), September 20, 2001.

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