Homemade "Miracle Whip": Any recipes out there?

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My husband doesn't like "plainold" mayonnaise (and try singing that word to the "Mickey Mouse theme song...it is pretty silly.. "M-A-Y..-O-N-N...A-I-S-EEEEEE....") and so I must buy Miracle Whip for him. I have played and played with it, but nothing tastes like it. anyone got a recipe out there?

-- marcee king (thathope@mwt.net), September 19, 2001


Homemade Miracle Whip:


-- ~Rogo (rogo2020@yahoo.com), September 19, 2001.

I used to be a MiracleWhip only person also. When they kept inching the price up until last I knew it was $3 a quart, I switched to the Aldi version at 99cents a quart. Its almost but not quite the same taste, but I've got used to it. Nice to see a homemade recipie, but hard to get excited about such when living alone. No more than I use, I probably could still even afford real MW, but just galls me for the company to get an extra $2 per jar profit for basically same ingredients as the Aldi version. Probably costs them under 50cents to make a quart of the stuff.

-- Hermit John (hermit@hilltop_homestead.zzn.com), September 19, 2001.

All you would need to do is add a boatload of sugar to a regular mayo recipe I would imagine. eewwwww

-- Earthmama (earthmama48@yahoo.com), September 19, 2001.

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