Another Bird Brain is heard from : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread Farrakhan Warns of Armageddon if U.S. Retaliates
Marc Morano,
Monday Sept. 17, 2001
Minister Louis Farrakhan has warned President Bush that declaring war on terrorism could "trigger the war that would end all wars, the war of Armageddon."

Farrakhan is the leader of the black Muslim separatist movement Nation of Islam and the architect of the 1995 Million Man March in Washington, D.C.

In a speech Sunday at a Chicago mosque, Farrakhan implied that U.S. foreign policy is to blame for last weeks terrorist attacks on Washington and New York. He called on American officials to summon "the courage to look at the foreign policy" and asked if the policies have "produced this danger and hatred toward America."

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001

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