Creating vcd's of size larger than cd-r media. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have Adaptec Cd creator 5.0. I have a movie loaded on my HDD of a file size of 740 mb.Kindly tell me how do I write it on a cd-r of 700 mb capacity. Also tell me if the vcd creator in Adaptec Easy Cd Creator 5.0 can help me.

Thank you, Amit.

-- Amit K Chougule (, September 17, 2001


You should be able to burn it to an 80 minute CD-R. Capacities on CD-Rs do not include some parts of the disc that are used for error correction on audio CDs and some data CD types. VCD does not use this error correction, so this area of the disc is available to write to. I'm not sure what the actual VCD capacity of an 80 minute CD-R is, but it should be enough for your movie. I've never used EZ CD Creator 5, so I can't help you with that. The burning software Nero ( allows you to overburn. This means that it writes to an area on the disc not normally used for data, but technically available. CD specifications require that this area be at least 1 and a half minutes long. If an 80 minute CD-R isn't enough, you could always overburn with Nero to get a little extra time, but I don't think you will have to do that.

-- Jason (, September 17, 2001.

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