Authorities investigate if suspected terrorist visited Boston airport's control tower : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

There is no log kept of tower visitors and no security video. That means everyone who worked at the tower must be interviewed, Peters said.

Great, just great. Be safer going to most High Schools.

Want to buy a Gun? fill-out a form, be "checked", and come back in three days.

Want a flying bomb, i.e. Jetliner? Bypass metaldeckingGrandMa, take a plastic boxcutter with ya, and have at it.

I know none of this helps the situation, but geesh what happen to this country?

Ya know these PTB are already asking for more money. Question is, where is the current staggering amount going NOW? I fear it is paying for the zillions of Chowderheads playing musical chairs on the NewsPrograms the last week. Little if any of it is finding its way where it needs to.

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001


BTW, this FAA dude needs to be told to shut his flap. I would rate this info as something falling under National Security at this point. Not to mention the fact few if any of us really need to know this ATC stuff. What this is, is an admission the FAA and others frighteningly clueless. Do the victums families need to know this?

They don't need more money. What they need is people with common sense.

and the Terror continues...

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001

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