greenspun.com : LUSENET : Public Art : One Thread



Dear Sirs,

My name is Ivan Davidchuk and I own the ArtSmart company selling Russian and Ukrainian Works of Art.

WE PROVIDE: the service in searching for the art and complete the collection of art works, of various mediums, style, size; once we know your specific needs & preferences.

WE PRESENT: Paintings (, Watercolor, Graphics, Acrylic), Sculpture, Tapestries and Batik. The styles vary from Impressionism, Socialist (and Classic) Realism, Nude Art\ to Abstract and Conceptual Art. We present small miniatures as well as easel paintings.

WHAT WE DO IN UKRAINE: We work with more then 150 artists from Ukraine, both famous and emerging artists, and this number is growing as we have more specific requests. We also provide information service and in some cases arrange personal contact / negotiations to the artist(s).

WHAT WE DO ON THE INTERNET: We maintain the public web gallery 'Amazing Shop' at http://ThoseRussians.com There are exhibited those artworks we own or those deposited from the artists. A visitor can surf through the items and we accept orders via e-mail. There is a special 'Offer your price' option for each item so we can start discussing the subject.

OUR WHOLESALE ACTIVITY: We welcome any clients and do both retail and wholesale activity. However our strategy is more wholesale oriented, and we especially welcome corporate clients such as galleries, of design makers, who could use the most favorable conditions and terms of the partnership. For example, any work we exhibit can be shipped to a single client for 100% deposit and be returned in 30 days with the full refund. And for the corporate clients we offer 90 days trial period, when the art works are shipped to the client for 50% deposit (e.g., for an exhibition) and we will refund any unsold work or change it to the another work possibly by same author. You may read these conditions in details at http://davidchuk.com

OUR CONDITIONS FOR AFFILIATES & HELPERS: Anyone can become an art dealer with us. We provide strong support to the people who are interested in working with us. This includes: 10% sale commission paid during the month after the first purchase was made by a client invited on behalf of the affiliate, and 5% from any purchase this client makes during the whole next year. Like in the multilevel marketing, the affiliate receives 5% from each sale arranged by the next invited affiliate, life long. The conditions may change and the affiliate may promote him or her self (one of our helpers eventually came to be the US representative of the company.)

OUR RECENT NEWS: We currently store a big collection of artworks in Las Vegas, Nevada. For certain reasons, these pieces will be sold out by the low prices to the public or galleries. The collection may be seen at http://thoserussians.com (the items marked for fast delivery across USA). For references and inquires please contact our US representative Mrs. Goni Wodessen

Sincerely, Ivan Davidchuk & his best team

"Life in Art" "Present is the Best Time"

ivan@thoserussians.com, ivan@davidchuk.com

http://www.thoserussians.com, http://www.davidchuk.com

tel: +380 (67)712-82-04 ICQ # 48198773

-- Anry Ivan Davidchuk (istone@mail.ru), September 13, 2001

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