Why the Pussy-in-Chief is sitting on his ass

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

The lack of ANY response is understood when one understands who this Government represents. Clue:::it ain't us or our principles.

The goons in the Government take their orders from Multi-National Corporations. No response will commence until a clear picture of potential risk to their assets is confirmed, namely oil assets. So do not expect even the worst horror to ever hit our shores to mean much to these treasonist whores. Don't expect the deaths of at least 10,000+ Americans to matter for shit in the grand scheme of things. Do not expect a direct attack on our soil to amount to anything beyond another reason to "investigate and debate endlessly the ridiculous and meaningless CRAP by the talkingheads which are the media".

"Make no mistake", chimpboy, recently of Nebraska, will offer up to the sheep a nice "strike", some "sparks", and "charred remains" eventually. He may even be able to drag Bin and his boys into some court and have them sentenced to death(their wish). All done once they are clear as to the risk to their leaders assets has been completely determined. Until then, we will be served up the crying, the candles, the tear-jerking and hero profiles by their media, their brainwashing machine.

However absent from the airwaves will be body parts or counts. Gone will be the public displays of Arab bashing. Gone will be interviews of folks like me who are beyond outraged. Control has been restored and the sheep will be fed water and given time to calm down. Many will not even require that, they are already back to their normal miserable existences they call lives. Many even think this all stupid as it was in NYC, a hotbed of them "Liberals" so who cares anyhow. Remember, this ain't OKC, it is the home of Hillary and her bum Bill.

America as many of us knew it is OVER. We have been gutted and dressed. We have legions of zombies for neighbors. Spoiled rotten lazy do nothings, know nothing pigs masquerading as people walking around.

We have a President who runs with his tail between his ass to Nebraska in the heat of battle. The same spineless twit who not 4 months ago apologized to the Red Chinese. A man worshipped by the legions of dittohead zombies. A man who the press has spent the entire second day of this WAR, making excuses for. Explaining why he fled. Explaining why his fellow Congress scum scurried to their bunkers. Sadly the NYC Firefighters and Police did not have such options.

I am ASHAMED to be an American this day.

We no longer have the ability to DO RIGHT as a nation. We do not need to investigate. We do not need to find. People of FAITH just do the right thing and leave the rest to GOD. The right thing to do is exterminate the Cock-a-Roaches. Start in Afghanistan and go from there.

No amount of security tightening will stop cockroaches. Animals who do not even have respect for their own lives. These roaches do not live in our world. They are pure EVIL. People of FAITH do not negoiate with EVIL. Sadly the scum attempting to run things(US Government officials) are not of FAITH. They are frightened Godless people who could not even tie their own shoes without a light. They must "gather nuggets of facts". They must determine "who". They must pander to EVIL because they themselves are of the darkness.

Nothing, absolutely nothing has to be done but an extermination.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001


No need for you to donate any blood, Doc.

The poison in it would most likely kill the recipient.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

Oh how sweet, the rubber chicken surfaces. Did I offend you emotional void of a friend Geo Bushie? Did I harm your delusional mentality?


-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

Would Arafat's blood suit you RubberDucky? Yep, Arafat donated blood, how does that grab you?

I do not know what kind of STUNT your kind tries to pull when you attempt to discredit any who would offend your little delusions. Pathetic jabs from the peanut gallery.

Give blood? FUCKING DAM STRAIGHT. Pray for the DEAD rescurers and thousands of innocent people slaughtered? Absolutely damn right. Pray and support the magnificent men and women working around the clock to bring order out of chaos? Absolutely 1000%. Pray for Rudi? you are completely right.

You are clear MOST are already DEAD are you not? Dead people do not need blood.

Want dead people need is JUSTICE. Lets get on with it and stop fucking around.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001


During Y2K I found you to be a very reasonable fellow, a freat asset to the debunking cause. What the hell happened to you?

Let's get a few things straight first: George W - I can't stand the bastard. I am NOT a George W Supporter

Am I outraged? - Hell yeah!

Do I want revenge? - Hell yeah!

But the question is Doc...on whom? That is the part of terroism that sucks the most. Who was it? Where are they? As much as my blood boils, as much as I want to see someone die for this, I can at least see let's first figure out who the hell it was! I am not all for bombing a country and then going "Oops...guess it wasn't you"

Calm the hell down Doc. You're smarter than this


-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

http://www.google.com/sear ch? q=cache:OvXBfr9y4kc:www.state.gov/www/global/terrorism/1997Report/spon sored.html+state+sponsored+terrorism&hl=en

30 BILLION US TAX DOLLARS YEARLY KNOWS WHERE THESE SCUMBALLS ARE. Again, this is no mystery IMoutragedO. And yes, I do need to calm down, and will, thanks for the reminder.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

Two links of interest...

14 March 2001 Bin Ladin's activities exposed in New York trial

11 September 2001 'Lion of Panjshir' dies

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001


What network(s) have you been watching, or where are you getting your news? I had a little time last night to compare coverage, and some of the networks are almost ridiculous in how they're doing it.

(To hear NBC tell it, for example, they're not sure that Airforce One was really a target, they don't know who did it, they're not sure we're going to take action, and golly, gee! Life is just One Great Big Mystery.)

(Haven't watched them this morning; maybe they rented a clue overnight.)

Try Fox or CNN. Either one of them have MUCH better coverage than the Big Three. I think you'll see a stark difference in coverage.

There's no doubt that Bin Ladin did it, in spite of what SOME news people are saying. There is also no doubt that we're going to take SERIOUS action this time.

Remember that it takes time to get the force in place to take serious action. The really big stuff has to go by ship, which is a bare minimum of a few weeks.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

Stephen is right. There isn't going to be any "strike" this time. We are at war and we will be sending very large forces to the Middle East very soon, as will many other NATO countries. This situation calls for a completely different approach than was used before, and I think our government is taking it.

Pray for our troops, because some of them will die soon.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

Mission for Doc Paulie, should you choose to accept it-----

Strap your ass to a nuke. When SAC drops it on Kabul, ride it down cheering "Yeeha" and waving your cowboy hat, like Chill Wills in Dr Strangelove.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

Are you sure Kabul is where I need to take my "trip", dickhead?

Afghanistan Volume 1, Number 25 December 1996 Written by Barnett Rubin of the Council on Foreign Relations

"""Unfortunately, these U.S. positions, specific to Afghanistan, are undermined to a certain extent by more general policies of the U.S. government. Most obviously, U.S. support of the UN as the proper vehicle for a negotiated settlement of the Afghan conflict is contradicted by congressional refusal to allocate funds for UN dues or the U.S. share of peacekeeping expenses. Partly as a result of this U.S. recalcitrance, the UN’s Afghan mission suffers from underfunding and understaffing.

In addition, U.S. policy toward Iran conflicts with U.S. stated policy toward Afghanistan and is one of the reasons that many in the region believe that the U.S. supports the Taliban. U.S. policy aims at isolating and containing Iran and seeking sanctions against countries and corporations that do business with it. The U.S. opposes all efforts by Iran to capture a share of Central Asian trade and to serve as an outlet to the market for Central Asian oil and gas."""

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

Go to the aforementioned links I posted and read. Follow other links, go to google and do some research on present day Afghanistan, The Taliban, and Bin Laden. Ask yourself why would Bin Laden, at this point in History want to awaken a sleeping Giant? Yes I know about Allah and all that, but why now? why in such a Historical way?

What am I suggesting? For you to reach your own opinion. I will tell you this, OIL PIPELINES and IRAN are the areas you are not being told about. Bosnia ring any bells?

I will also suggest Tuesday is fitting into a pattern with regards this Bush Administration.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

From the same Rockefeller Ford Foundation CFR website we have this...Who's the Rogue State Now? By Phyllis Bennis

Dittozombies can pass-on-by-this info as the work of a conspiracy nut if they like, lol.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001


Surely you're not implying that Bush had anything to do with the WTC stuff? Or even that our government did it?

Clarify this for me. Please.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

You box your own reality Poole.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

Doc, I feel your pain!

I want us to go out and kill something, anything, as long as it is a Muslim extremist. I want Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and a good portion of the West Bank to VAPORIZE. I want this to happen with weapons of ultimate mass destruction, leaving nothing left! We’ll leave the tealeaves and moon charts at home and bring on the good stuff…..Smart Bombs, Cruise Missiles, Laser Guided Artillery, Black Ops, and Millions of Foam at the Mouth Troops who will kill anything that even resembles Jamie Farr. I want that lying asshole from Pakistan, that was on CNN this morning, to be hung from his nuts until his head pops.

Every time I see Muslim in this country, wearing a towel or a sheet, I want to blow them away! And if Jesse Jackson even shows hisself I want him terminated with extreme prejudice.

But Doc, you understand we must move with deliberate caution here, don’t you? We must have the rest of the free world in our camp before letting our dogs loose. Even a restricted thinker such as you should be able to grasp this concept. BTW, when my plane was diverted to Nebraska, this was done under pre-arranged scenarios for national security reasons. I’m not really too pleased to have a weenie like you second-guess the most powerful minds on earth. When we are done with the ragheads, I just might swing by Las Vegas and shove your scrawny head even further up your ass.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

I will also suggest Tuesday is fitting into a pattern with regards this Bush Administration.

Explain yourself DP. A gentleman does not "suggest" what you seem to be suggesting.

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001


Of course everyone boxes a reality. The goal for the individual, though, should be to confirm that his/her box does, in fact, contain ... reality.

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001

And the reality is, that 91% of the American public are supportive of GWB's handling of this situation as we speak.

Hope that little factoid doesn't "harm your delusional mentality", DP.

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001

Well Doc, enough....WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU???? You used to be a rationale, well thought out indvidual. Now you are just a raving lunatic who would be MUCH more at home over on TB2K. Use your god given brain for a damn minute, and you will see you have NOT been using it up til now.

You are spewing crap faster than anyone could shovel it. You have fallen to the damn Meme and that is truly sad. You used to count you amongst the smart ones to come out of Y2K, to bad you finally gave into the dark side.

Going back to your first post in this thread:

"I am ASHAMED to be an American this day. "

Then get the hell out of MY country, because with your attitude, we don't need you.


-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001

Cut DP some slack, he probably had too much to drink when posting. When we start getting bombers at malls he will regret each word he posted. Nobody knows the 1/2 of about what we are to soon see.

Patience DP, you will get what you want, but will you want it then?

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001

I have instructed Dubya to feign idignation but not to do anything that would obstruct the flow of money into my pockets. He is a good boy. He will do as we tell him.

Doctor Paulie is a wise doctor.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

I stand by everything I have said on this thread. I doubt you will find a more accurate account of the event to this point anyplace.

I understand much of this information will upset people...TOO BADD it needs to be said. It is also expected I would be hearing from our local Fundamentalist Chicken Little. Along with PatR and JerryF, ChickenL is predictable as the day is long and just as boring.

I also understnad the need to back the President in the time of War. Unfortunately we are NOT at War last I checked. To this date the President has done nothing but flap his mouth basically. Am I supposed to back that as well unquestioned? just cause he says we are at War?

Look, the folks REALLY running things have GW checkmated(MHO and the reason we sit). He will not get his WarDeclaration. What he will be "given" amounts to a license to a quagmire. This will insure Afgany is clogged and useless to caspean sea oil pipeline builders. We will have to abide by "laws" which tend to muck-up military exercises a bit. Others will have to be included and the UN consulted rather regurlarly. Shall I go on? I hope you understand the big difference between allowing GW to use force, and declaring War.

BTW, I know many cannot see past their hatred of me, but I want the Declaration, period. Anything else is bullshit and a death sentence for many of our boys.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

Let me correct one glaring mistatement from the original post. It appears the death toll will be much lower, 4800 as opposed to 10,000+. No less horrifc, but far less grim than we all feared, thank God.

Whatever you think of me is really not important. What is important is we act NOW. It matters little even what the underlying motives for this is maybe, or what a nutball like me think they are.

The ONLY motive which matters is to avenge for the souls buried under the tons of rumble at the WTC and the Pentagon. To do less, is not honoring their lives and will lead to more incidents. All the laying of hands or piles of flowers cannot replace JUSTICE.

Our Government is not supposed to operate as good friend in time of need, it is supposed to do its main job, protect American Citizens. We are at risk everyday the pussy footing goes on. To say many EVIL ONES are having a good laugh is to state the obvious.

Ask a survivng family member what they want. I doubt it involves protecting GWs precious political image.

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001

Add Tansun's enetertainment in here for today. I just know he loves my Conspiracy "items".

Name the Big Summer Movie of 2001(it didn't do that great BTW this -- PH). To add flavor to this "item" under consideration, include Hollywood's response so far to Tuesday. Almost as non-existent as Jesse. I know, it means nothing.

See ya Monday Rick, I am taking Sunday off. See my back is a bit tired supplying many of the "refreshment items" to the hundreds at McCarron standing in the tighter security lines this day. My ear is sore from arranging cross-docking of goodies from a dozen or so less qualified suppliers out here who have been barred from entering the Airport and do not have our connections which allow as much.

Consider that what I did today to help.

-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001


I guess only in your strange universe is it considered "supporting the President" to refer to him as "Chimp Boy" and "stupid" and a "slave of multinational corporations/CFR/NWO."

I'm not sure I'd ever want to look inside your head.

Too frightening.

-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001

Not asking you to look into my head.

But thanks for the concern.

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001

Going back to your first post in this thread: "I am ASHAMED to be an American this day. "

Then get the hell out of MY country, because with your attitude, we don't need you.
Rick -- Rick Tansun


-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001

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