strange thing in egg? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We had eggs for dinner tonight from our hens - in one of them was a strange looking object - it was the colour of cooked egg yolk, the size of a bean (baked bean) - I cut it in half and it had a red dot in the middle of some white substance. What could this be? I 'm asking just in case parasites get into eggs - or could it be just the blood spot? I don't know - it was strange.
-- Katherine Moseley (, September 12, 2001
Do you have just hens? I hate to ask but could it have been a chick?
-- renee oneill{md.} (, September 12, 2001.
Sorry to be groos. But yep that was a chicken embreo. This is a fact of life with fertal eggs.
-- redhen (, September 12, 2001.
According to a post on one of the poultry Lists, you have a meat egg. Some hens have a hurried set of body parts when forming eggs. Just as if the body was full of worms a worm would be enclosed in the egg, your hen's body enclosed a piece of her body tissue and it is called a meat egg.
-- ~Rogo (, September 13, 2001.
I still say that there was cat food in my eggs. I don't know how but the little X's were distinct.
-- Dee (, September 13, 2001.