Comments please : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hi everybody, I recently had the chance to photograph a boxing match. Here are some of the photos. I would appreciate it if you could give me your opinions and comments. 09764

Thanks alot.

-- joel (, September 10, 2001


sorry about the wrong address. Here's the correct one. hopefully. 09764

-- joel (, September 10, 2001.

This is getting quite embarrassing. Dont know why the space keeps getting in between the 1 09764 in the address. Just get rid of it and it'll work. So sorry about the blunder.

Can someone teach me how to create a link?

-- joel (, September 10, 2001.

"Photo not available" ;?)

-- Victor Randin (, September 10, 2001.


Nobody is more computer illiterate than me, but thanks to this forum's moderator, Tony, I am now able to make clickable links with little problem. If I can do it, anyone can. Go to the link below for the lesson.

Here is a tip... I copied the characters( click here

-- Al Smith (, September 10, 2001.


Wow... something went wrong. Half of my post was droped. I'll try again...

Here is a tip... I copied the characters to my e-mail program and have it in "drafts". When I have a link I wish to post, I simply open that draft, and use it as a template, spell check the additional narrative, and then copy and paste to this forum. When I exit my e- mail program, I DON'T save changes, and the template is there waiting for my next link.

click here

-- Al Smith (, September 10, 2001.

Ok, thanks for all your tips. Here goes nothing.


please work...

-- joel (, September 10, 2001.


Your link worked fine, but there are no photos on that site... just spaces to hold photos.

-- Al Smith (, September 10, 2001.

I'm pretty sure its okay this time. Thanks for your patience Al.


-- joel (, September 10, 2001.

Hi, Joel:

My favourite is the "353101". It is a pitty you didn't christened them for easier reference.

The aspect I like the most in your image is perspective, somewhat unusual for the subject.

In average I think you should go closer to your subjects. Too shy or using a 35mm ? Difficult subject on the other hand.

I feel that a 50mm or even a 90mm would have worked better in this occasion.

I'd like to see you posting something else in the near future. Thanks for sharing and have fun !


-- Iván Barrientos M (, September 10, 2001.


I'm curious as to what lens you were using -- It appears to be fairly wide, and I think I would have preferred a tighter view. The images also appear a bit dark, and the ones with the lights in them seem to exhibit quite a bit of flare - or perhaps it's just halation.

-- Jack Flesher (, September 11, 2001.


I was using the first generation 28mm elmarit. Too bad that was the only lens I had on me. Anyway, the light your see isn't flare. Its halation. In fact its quite amazing how resistant to flare the lens is. Too bad it isn't mine.

-- joel (, September 11, 2001.

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