burnt out/continued

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A while back I had posted how burnt out I was. I made some decisions. I put in my notice for work today. I work with people with mental retardation and mental illness. I honestly thought that I would make a difference in these peoples lives.I think that I did but in the proccess I gave up everything that I held dear. My true passion is my h0rses and I havwe rode less then 10 times this year.I cant work for the sake of paying the bills and killing myself/emotionally/ in the process

-- tracy (murfette@stargate.net), September 07, 2001


I believe you must ALWAYS follow your heart.....I'm sure you did exactly the right thing. Blessings to you.

-- Bonnie (chilton@stateline-isp.com), September 08, 2001.

You've done good for awhile, Tracy, you deserve some time for your own projects again. :) Enjoy it!

-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (jlance@nospammail.com), September 08, 2001.

Been there! Done that! When we give our all, pretty soon there seems to be nothing left over. I did that a few years back and finally reached the point where I just couldn't do it anymore. Since that time, I've been tending my chickens, reading my homesteading books, weeding my garden and teaching myself to cook. I'm still not crazy about going out in the "real world" but do so when necessary. I've learned lots of new ways to say "no".

I used to think if I didn't do something it wouldn't get done. I have since learned that if something needs to be done and I don't do it, it will either get done by someone else or not. I just don't worry about it anymore.

Take care of yourself, Tracy. You're the only YOU you have.

Wishing you enough.

-- Trevilians (aka Dianne in Mass) (Trevilians@mediaone.net), September 08, 2001.



-- Rick#7 (rick7@postmark.net), September 10, 2001.

Life is precious. Life is short. Make a difference in your life. That will give you the energy to make a difference in the lives of others.

Query: Do the mentally retarded have opportunities to go horseback riding?

-- paul (primrose@centex.net), September 12, 2001.

Your feelings about your job may have been God's way of sending you on another path. Listen for the voice in the stillness.

-- Sandra Nelson (Magin@starband.net), September 12, 2001.

Tracy, I was where you are a few years ago, and made the leap to quit and stay home. Sometimes I feel really broke, and then think of all the things I HAVE that really are important. I don't regret leaving-- just wish I had been able to do it sooner. Good luck, and take care of yourself. Jan

-- Jan in Co (Janice12@aol.com), September 12, 2001.

Thank you for all the support. Rereading my post I was awful tired that night and did not explain myself all to well. I originally took this job to work with 2 guys in my community. The 1 lived 1/10th of a mile down the road and the other was 10 miles away. Due to unforseen cirumstances my job now requires a 32 mile drive one way to stat my work day. In the summer it is about 45 minutes BUT the winter [snowbelt] will be atleast 11/2 hours just to drive to start work. I know in my heart that I have made a huge difference in these guys life. That is why it is so hard. Most people with mental retardation/mental illness have suffered years of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. I have accepted another job working as an assistant manager and it is only 14 miles away but no benifits, pay is a little better. I feel I have made the right decision for the sake of myself and my family. You can only give so much emotionally before it starts effecting you. I was even to a point a while back that I was having anxiety attacks from all the stress and was on Paxil for a couple months. I decided that if I have to take drugs to feel like my self then it was time to move on. To the person who asked about people with MR being able to ride horses that is a most deffinate yes. The problem with that is my suppervisors would not pay mileage for me to drive them to my house to ride because of the distance. Also I then would me making 2 trips back and forth which totaled 128 miles a day driving that I was not being compinsated for. My last day is Sep 28 and I start my new job Oct1. Thnaks for all your well wishes and prayers

-- tracy (murfette@stargate.net), September 14, 2001.

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