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My Annual conference is coming up next week (12-15. I'm am schedualed to do a Report on the A.C.E.Fellowship. Since my conferenc or district A.C.E. fellowship did not meet was not organized, and quite frankly does not exsist, I am at a lost for what to do. I know most of you probably say well don't give a report, but since this is my first opportunity to speak I realy feel obligated to say and do something in the form of a written report. I also have been unable to find a good definition of the A.C.E. Fellowship. Please I am geniually seeking the advice of my fellow A.M.E.rs, and not so much as critisim. Perhaps someone out there can give me some insight as to what there A.C.E. has done for the year so that I may suggest a plan for my own Conferece.Thanking you in advance Fredrick Douglass
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001
Tell them what is going on. Tell them that there is not much to report for this year and give an overview of what you plan to do to get on track for next year. The best thing to do is be honest about the past and set an agenda that looks forward to the future.God Bless
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001
Mr. Douglas,I would report exactly what you have reported here. But first check with some other local churches to find out if the ACE Fellowship is in effect in their churches. Tell the members of your conference that the ACE Fellowship is not in effect in your church, the district or the conference. And as you stated, make a RECOMMENDATION for the effective organization and implementation of ACE Fellowship goals for your conference. The ACE Fellowship,which stood for Allen Christian Endeavor Fellowship is now referred to as ACF or Allen Christian Fellowship in the 1996 Discipline, page 81, It is organized at the local church level with this verbatim definition:
"The A.C.F. is usually composed of three (3) or more persons formed for the purposes of promoting intelligent and practical Christian living among young people; training them in proper methods of Christian work and helpfulness, both for the support of the church and relief of the needy; strenghtening and purifying the social life of our young people, making them an uplifting force in the world."
They usually meet once or twice a month at the church or someone's home. As long as the activities are aligned with the objectives set forth by the church, they are okay. That means you can even have some fun being a part of the Allen Christian Fellowship. Some things you could do are: 1. Watch films that promote Christian living and ethical values among the young people.
2. Have group sessions to discuss different issues that affect the lives of young people.
3. Have activities and fundraisers to support your local organization and give something to your local church.
4. Work with the elderly in your church in some way, say, visit them in their homes, the hospital or the nursing home.
5. Ask the pastor to let you have ACF Day at the church, and bring an inspiring speaker whose life and messages extol Christian virtues.
6. Have a get-a-way activity to do something special or plan a retreat. You might want to do this with another church if your church is small.
7. Plan an outreach activity such as a clothing give-a-way, a food drive or something else that might help the needy in your neighborhood.
The possibilities are endless on this one. Contact Habitat for Humanity and find out what it takes to build someone a house if they need one. Be a champ, be a leader.
If you have access to a 2000 Discipline, check there for any changes. Check under Local Church Organization.
Congratulations on being chosen to make a report before the Bishop of your conference. I am glad to know that you are concerned about making a good presentation.
By the way, what conference and episcopal district do you serve in? If you have any more questions. Tap in again. Somebody will be glad to answer it for the preservation of this great church of ours.
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001
P.S.Refer to pages 218-221, items 21 and 23, in the 1996 Discipline or relevant pages of the 2000 Discipline for more information about the ACF and how it is organized on the conference level. The ACF falls under the Department of Christian Education. YOU can't really "set an agenda," you can only make recommendations to the Annual Conference. I would recommend the ACF be put into force according to the guidelines that have been set forth in the Discipline. It is up to the Department of Christian Education to make the ACF an active body on the conference level and make recommendations to the Bishop for effective leadership.
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001
It seems like the reponses you have alread y received sum up what I would have shared and more. We cannot go back and create what did not take place, but we can move from the point where we are understand our purpose and begin to move into our destiny. "Conceive it, believe it and you shall achieve it!!"
-- Anonymous, September 07, 2001