Smoke Funnels : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

Those smoke funnels the man was putting out during this year's burn... that was simply fantastic, wasn't it?

You see, I'm running around telling everybody that this year's burn was akin to a religious experience, in large part because of those funnels, and I don't want to find out later that they were created using a $59.99 Smoke Funnelator you can get at K-Mart (or something.)

That was a once-in-a-lifetime event, right?

-- Donald Way (, September 06, 2001


Funkin' aeh, they were nice. I watched from a distance. You may have missed, in my opinion the even cooler 200' smoke ring, floating above all that madness the same time as the funnels. trout out

-- phillip oliver holes (, September 07, 2001.

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