
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

For those who recall, a while back I mentioned that my brothers oldest son took his own life in his bed room. It has been a rough ride for their family with emotional lows that have been the lowest of the low. It appears however that there's been a breakthru. What follows is an e-mail rec'd from my sister-in-law.

"I know that you are thinkers and believers - so I am going to share something very tender, very emotional, very precious to me.

Last Wednesday I had a vision of Jared as he is now, not as he was. Everything that you have ever hoped, or desired, or believed, about the purity and joy of life after this life, is true. Pain and sorrow remain, but my bitterness has been sponged away by the grace of God, who is far greater than we can begin to imagine.

Anyone can explain this vision any way they like - and their explanations have just as much basis in fact as mine. No wishful hallucination of mine could give that boy's face the serenity and joy that he never knew in this life. I was only a passing thought in his mind as he gazed at a perfection he had never been able to see here, although many parts of it ARE here, for those who will see it."

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001


A beautiful and realistic vision I think. Somewhere,someone said it is like taking off a very tight shoe.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

Thank you John. I attended a funeral of a friend yesterday. I hope she is now as peaceful. I also visited a friend who is 81. She told me that she had a vision of an angel sitting up at her ceiling. She's in good health now (my friend) but she thought that the vision was interesting. We talked about what it might have meant. While her son said that he thought the angel was calling her home, I thought that it was just as likely a mere visit as my friend has been in two auto accidents, been hit by a car, fallen down her steps and lay there all night with serious injuries, fallen out of her apple tree (broke her collar bone) and also had major surgery, all within about the last five or six years. She won't stop living an active life...and she surely must have a guardian angel! She must be around a lot but not seen often.

-- Anonymous, September 02, 2001

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