Transition tracks, code 83 to 70. : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

Are commercially avaailable transition tracks, the only method to drop from code 83 to 70?...any hand laid track experts out there who know how to reduce to 70 from 83? Otherwise, it look like I'll be buying 16 transition tracks.

-- Rick Walls (, August 27, 2001


Rick. Flatten one end of a code 83 rail joiner and solder the code 70 on method. The other is that Micro Engineering sells transition joiners, but they pretty much only work with ME track. ME track has a closer to scale base width and thickness and the rail joiners are made to fit. Hope that helps. John

-- John Edwards (, August 27, 2001.

Rick, I guess. Have you tried using one or two code 83 tracks that lead to many code 70 tracks? As in a yard ladder.

-- Joseph Oates (, August 27, 2001.

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